Red String Puppet

Red String Puppet

【Magic Realism/Fantasy】【Rating】

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During a train ride to the city, Aya suddenly has a dream involving him and someone he doesn’t know. Just brushing it off, he gets off and starts walking down the street, trying to find his new apartment. Suddenly, he is kidnapped and wakes in an unknown building while bleeding from the chest. His rei stone, a source of one’s soul and power, was taken by two masked individuals. He is found by Corps, an organization that investigates rei stone thefts, and joins it in hopes of getting his rei stone back.


Aliquam ornare mauris nec ante fermentum, ac blandit nibh pharetra. Etiam et tellus nisl. In dictum viverra augue. Sed blandit nulla sed lorem pulvinar, quis tristique tellus porta. Mauris felis lectus, vehicula non nunc vel, imperdiet porttitor mauris. Vestibulum vulputate lobortis eros quis pretium. In commodo efficitur rutrum. Phasellus hendrerit lorem in tellus blandit, non tempor purus blandit. Sed sit amet felis mollis, dictum mi eu, congue risus. In hendrerit gravida consequat. Nullam congue ultrices metus. Suspendisse rutrum a justo eget molestie. Praesent et hendrerit leo, id egestas enim.


Aenean a sem at neque aliquet condimentum. Praesent faucibus, risus at ultrices ornare, nunc orci bibendum diam, at dignissim dui risus id eros. Maecenas iaculis massa sed dolor vulputate aliquam. Curabitur sed sodales magna. Nulla est nisi, pharetra at dictum et, porta ac nisl. Fusce vitae euismod sapien, a scelerisque sem. Suspendisse turpis lacus, congue in turpis sed, fringilla egestas leo. Aenean tristique ullamcorper ante, sed convallis lacus vehicula vel.

Quisque eleifend, orci et gravida semper, nibh nisl ullamcorper leo, ac accumsan orci lorem a neque. Duis accumsan orci at egestas egestas. Vivamus id magna augue. Nunc quis maximus ante, id bibendum mauris. Sed tempus purus egestas laoreet euismod. Integer eu sem ac mauris porttitor posuere vitae at felis. Nulla laoreet bibendum diam ac finibus. Integer maximus mauris eu lectus consectetur, eget malesuada nibh sagittis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec massa arcu, rutrum a malesuada aliquam, ullamcorper sit amet libero. Fusce placerat turpis id metus semper ultricies.


Aliquam ornare mauris nec ante fermentum, ac blandit nibh pharetra. Etiam et tellus nisl. In dictum viverra augue. Sed blandit nulla sed lorem pulvinar, quis tristique tellus porta. Mauris felis lectus, vehicula non nunc vel, imperdiet porttitor mauris. Vestibulum vulputate lobortis eros quis pretium. In commodo efficitur rutrum. Phasellus hendrerit lorem in tellus blandit, non tempor purus blandit. Sed sit amet felis mollis, dictum mi eu, congue risus. In hendrerit gravida consequat. Nullam congue ultrices metus. Suspendisse rutrum a justo eget molestie. Praesent et hendrerit leo, id egestas enim.


Aenean a sem at neque aliquet condimentum. Praesent faucibus, risus at ultrices ornare, nunc orci bibendum diam, at dignissim dui risus id eros. Maecenas iaculis massa sed dolor vulputate aliquam. Curabitur sed sodales magna. Nulla est nisi, pharetra at dictum et, porta ac nisl. Fusce vitae euismod sapien, a scelerisque sem. Suspendisse turpis lacus, congue in turpis sed, fringilla egestas leo. Aenean tristique ullamcorper ante, sed convallis lacus vehicula vel.

Quisque eleifend, orci et gravida semper, nibh nisl ullamcorper leo, ac accumsan orci lorem a neque. Duis accumsan orci at egestas egestas. Vivamus id magna augue. Nunc quis maximus ante, id bibendum mauris. Sed tempus purus egestas laoreet euismod. Integer eu sem ac mauris porttitor posuere vitae at felis. Nulla laoreet bibendum diam ac finibus. Integer maximus mauris eu lectus consectetur, eget malesuada nibh sagittis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec massa arcu, rutrum a malesuada aliquam, ullamcorper sit amet libero. Fusce placerat turpis id metus semper ultricies.




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Rei Stone

The source of humanity’s power. While everyone has one, the sizes and colors vary depending on the person.


  • Red - high power; the darker the color, the more powerful it is.
  • White - high power; the lighter the color, the more powerful it is. Same power capacity as red colored rei stones.
  • Blue - medium power; all shades have the same amount of power.
  • Purple - medium power; the darker the color, the more powerful it is. A person will gain more power if their significant other has a blue rei stone.
  • Grey - low power; the lowest power level. Many have this type of stone though this stone is easy to refine to another color if taken out, which leads to many thefts.
  • Mixed Colors - extremely rare; thought to have power levels of the colors that are mixed together. This type is seen as a myth.


  • Large - if taken out, is sold for a high price. Sometimes, it relates to amount of power or potential.
  • Medium - if taken out, is sold at a steady price with no negotiation.
  • Small - if taken out, has no high price, often thought as worthless. Many times, people with a small rei stone have weak powers and are often associated with grey colored ones.


A catalyst for a person’s powers. While everyone has some sort of power, only a selected few can control it to a certain effect by using puppets. There are many types but humanoid ones are extremely rare and require to be commissioned to be made.


  • Humanoid - puppets that resemble humans. They are usually doll sized and cost a large amount of money to make. A life-sized humanoid puppet is extremely rare since Saitou Corporation has not successfully created one yet. As such, Aya makes heads turn when they realize that he's essentially a puppet but no one is aware that he was converted into one.
  • Bird - puppets that take the shape of birds. They are difficult to control but are quite useful in sending messages or for spying. High quality ones resemble real life birds greatly, making it a bit difficult to tell if it is a puppet or not.
  • Dog - puppets that take the shape of dogs. Easy to control and are often used as companions.
  • Cat - puppets that take the shape of cats. Easy to control and are often used as companions.
  • Mythos - puppets that take the shape of mythical creatures. A bit difficult to control and are often only be in the hands of puppet collectors.


A person who controls a puppet. Not many exist, though Corps is made up entirely of them. Similar to the police, they investigate crimes related to rei stones. People can become a Puppeteer if they train their powers to use one, though the training is long and harsh.


  • Messenger - A puppeteer that focuses on delivering messages. They usually work as messengers or middlepeople for trading, etc.
  • Investigator - A puppeteer that focuses on investigation. They are mainly working as detectives or as part of Corps. There aren't many, as investigation can cause a lot of stress.
  • Supporter - A puppeteer that doesn't have a set focus. They can actually be supporting detectives or Corps, or be just puppeeters that learned how to control a puppet for their own amusement.


A corporation related to the police. They focus on rei stone crimes, aware that a group of people are stealing rei stones, causing large outbreak of ‘soulless’ citizens.

They are a small corporation so they currently only have three squads active. This is mainly because not many puppeteers are willing to join in investigations.


  • Captain - the leader of a squad. Mahiru is the captain of Squad 1, being one of the founders for Corps.
  • Vice Captain - the vice captain of a squad. There can be two vice captains in a squad. Rei is currently the vice captain of Squad 1, at the insistence of Mahiru.
  • Officer - the members of a squad. Each squad has around 5 officers, the max being 8 members total.
  • Support - the members that mainly stay at headquarters. They serve as support for on-field officers by tracking targets, relaying messages, or repairing puppets that have become damaged.

Saitou Corporation

A corporation that mass produces puppets, along with making special puppets as commissions. Founded by Rei’s great-great-grandfather, they have gained power as people wanted to use their powers through something and as people wanted to collect puppets.


Definition goes here.