

(sorry that comes off so aggressive i just increase the font size until people stop making me repeat myself)

Everything in this main folder is UFS/T. Please, feel free to offer!
(Nothing in storage is up for offers.)

Please message me on my main account, moody, to offer on something.

What I'm looking for in sales:

  • $$$. USD, through paypal or kofi. Their price is in the name. I don't mind haggling, but don't lowball me.
  • I absolutely do not take points at all, ever.
  • Gift cards or items off my amazon wishlist / steam wishlist are acceptable.
  • If it is up for sale, it is also up for trade. However, I highly prefer to sell.

What I'm looking for in trades:

  • Existing designs. Take a look at my preferences!
  • Custom designs from mutuals, or artists around my skill level.
  • Artwork of existing characters from mutuals, or artists around my skill level.
  • Items off my wishlists listed above.

If sold or traded, i will not transfer the design until i receive art/payment/etc.
I will transfer within 24 hours. If I don't after that point, feel free to poke me.
Until i receive it, the character will be named "X - PENDING TO [YOU]".
If it takes longer than two weeks, the design will go back UFT/UFS. Non-negotiable.
I will also not hold any designs unless we know each other.

Please do not offer on characters named "pending".

pvnish has my permission to offer these characters when doing his own trades.