*city of angels

Main world for any of my characters. Originally Pixie's creation we adapted my characters and some structures into COA and now we share the place. COA "City of Angels" is set in modern day New York, the world is in a state of post apocolyptic disarray. Angels have animalistic traits demons and angels and various other creatures supernatural and otherwise roam. Angels are corrupt powerful and cruel, whispering to religious leaders in the stead of a dead god, enacting biological experiments on anyone who catches their eyes. Religious groups protect these corrupt angels, forcing strict medieval punishments on those who blaspheme in any way. Homophobia runs rampant especially and interspecies relationships with demons fall under that judgement.  Demons alone are forced to wear identification bands, treated horridly if they try to live out a normal life. There are many half breeds, many creatures who could have once been human that fell under the blades and whims of angels and are no longer. Many others are born from angels or demons or otherwise rather than stitched together. Many people show bare minimum of what it means to be and angel or demon due to their halfblood nature but angelic halfbreeds are much easier to pick out for their physical traits. Any character in this folder is part of that world and I will list if they belong to me or Pixie

felixvulpes toskal common mutated male female forever homed single dies with me ufs alpha - mated shuu meiliande bonded Toskal vulpenoid pup valkyr