The Wood

After crossing the one-car bridge, you are already in The Wood. A densely forested area, with trails and paths and creeks and rivers. 

The old campsite, where the towns local summer camp is held, has a run-down look to it. Not many young children go these days, but it is still held as a day-camp for the school.Through the rest of the year, the campsite is visited by those who seek a more intimate relationship with nature.

State park guides insist that visitors not exceed past marked trails and fencing. That doing so will impede on the safety of the wildlife, and that someone could get hurt. There seems to be an stubborn unease about the trail guides when asked to go off-trail, and no one has been able to convince them otherwise.

Locals have seen mysterious lights in the forest at night, claiming to be campfires, glowing eyes, monsters, or UFOs. Most everyone is disregarded, as nothing has been proven, and photos inconclusive. Some claim that the strange sounds in the forest are creatures from another realm, or ghosts trapped on the mortal coil. As you can tell, The Wood is a popular place for those entertained by the supernatural.