Bloomingstar Academy

This folder is for students, faculty, and alumni of Bloomingstar Academy, a school on the western side of Majokyo near the sea which (as the name suggests) specializes in teaching Nature and Star magic.

There are a couple stories that take place around this region or that involve those from here, such as:
- A mysterious nature spirit, nicknamed Kabo-Chan, seems to frequent the crop fields of Kiara's students at night, leaving behind a candle that - when kept lit - seems to bless the students with a plentiful harvest. After Chanterelle falls asleep on candle-watching duty, they wake up to find Cala, a living pumpkin, holding the burnt out candle. When Kiara's prodigy alumni Ambrosia starts looking into things, more mysteries begin to bloom.
- Dr. Cosmos has always been a bit eccentric and distant, but her skills in star magic are unparalleled. Her prized pupil Chandra becomes conflicted over how she feels about her mentor after meeting a mysterious antihero who reveals secrets about Dr. Cosmos that only a deity should know.
- Vivi is a talented potions witch, and lives not too far from the school, near the shoreline. Her girlfriend Loreley is a sea witch who likes to wreak havoc with other merfolk on polluters or illegal fishermen- Vivi moved nearby to live near her. Recently a student named "Py" showed up wanting to learn from Vivi as an apprentice, only for Lor to find out that no student with that name ever went to that school, along with other unusual behaviors that worry her...