



【 Synopsis 】

A multi story world that focuses on multiple characters and their struggles to find a place in the world.

Everybody in Yaria will face problems that will determine what'll happen next and some actions may effect others. The story itself is meant to be something anyone could possibly relate to so it'll possibly be covering heavy themes and certain topics. Yaria's Lore Is where you'll find more specific info on the Lore of Yaria!

【 Lore 】

I. The Beginning

During the beginning this world was the first creation of Chime's, It was the one that survived the longest without any dark creatures corrupting it, This means it was perfectly able to evolve without complications. It is also the only world that Chime doesn't involve themselves in unless it is absolutely necessarily along with it being only world that isn't entirely rpg, video game, or book based..

World is always under heavy supervision and is kept farther away from the others to make sure nothing goes wrong.

II. The First War ( Human V. Everything)

The first war was for the rights of the neighbouring species the Homo therianthrope and the individual species, Anthromorphs. Homo therianthrope, commonly referred to as "Shifters" are a part of the same family as Homo sapiens. Homo Therianthrope's are Humanoids with the ability to shapeshift, They share a deep connect with nature and their beliefs and ideologies with Anthromorphs. Their beliefs are extremely different from Humans. Throughout history they have been called by different names some of which are commonly called, Humanoids(Can be seperate from Shifters), Shapeshifters, Shifters, Morphs, Non-humans, Mimics(derogatory, Used negatively against shapeshifters due to older stereotypes), Mutts(derogatory depending on the creature, Used between all species), Beasts(Derogatory towards Animorphs and Shifters)..

Throughout history Humans have always treated Shifters, Anthromorphs, and humanoids as lesser than them and even compare them to blank minds(The general animal population that do not speak or think the same way Humans, Anthros, and Shifters do, Think your average animals in real life). The practices and magic is commonly referred to as witchcraft(which is ironic since witches do infact exist) or accusing them of dark magic. This led to Humans waging war on Shifters. Anthros didn't join in until later as they decided to aid the Shifters due to their cultural similarities. The war caused thousands of casualties before calling a truce between the three, They can all live in peace however they own seperate land away from humans. Despite the truce there is still tension between the species, There are some laws in place keeping Shifters, Anthros, and Humanoids from living amongst them whilst others are lenient on those rules. Some humans live amongst the non humans and vice versa. There hasn't been a war in years and everyone hopes it stays that way. Unfortunately that doesn't stop hate crimes and other things from happening.

III. The Second war (Kingdom V. Kingdom, Both shifters)

Mauris non fringilla risus, nec dignissim tellus. Curabitur fermentum ipsum vitae condimentum mollis. In non ex sit amet mi imperdiet elementum in ac enim. Aenean enim eros, eleifend vel lectus et, volutpat porta turpis. Praesent ornare convallis felis nec placerat. Ut suscipit ipsum sed nulla luctus gravida. Fusce tincidunt lectus id fringilla eleifend. Curabitur non feugiat arcu, eget tincidunt ex. Ut sollicitudin diam massa, vel porta elit convallis eget. Suspendisse suscipit quam et nibh ullamcorper venenatis. Sed dui massa, lobortis tempor ligula sed, semper vulputate sapien. Nam egestas, nibh quis lacinia dapibus, orci nibh eleifend enim, id efficitur nulla quam gravida lacus. Maecenas ac metus non orci pellentesque efficitur. Ut in leo ultricies, finibus est et, interdum enim. Mauris lacinia porttitor nisi viverra vestibulum.

IV. Currently

Mauris non fringilla risus, nec dignissim tellus. Curabitur fermentum ipsum vitae condimentum mollis. In non ex sit amet mi imperdiet elementum in ac enim. Aenean enim eros, eleifend vel lectus et, volutpat porta turpis. Praesent ornare convallis felis nec placerat. Ut suscipit ipsum sed nulla luctus gravida. Fusce tincidunt lectus id fringilla eleifend. Curabitur non feugiat arcu, eget tincidunt ex. Ut sollicitudin diam massa, vel porta elit convallis eget. Suspendisse suscipit quam et nibh ullamcorper venenatis. Sed dui massa, lobortis tempor ligula sed, semper vulputate sapien. Nam egestas, nibh quis lacinia dapibus, orci nibh eleifend enim, id efficitur nulla quam gravida lacus. Maecenas ac metus non orci pellentesque efficitur. Ut in leo ultricies, finibus est et, interdum enim. Mauris lacinia porttitor nisi viverra vestibulum.

【 Terminology 】

【 Blankminds / The Blank-minded 】

A species of creatures that assume the appearance of everyday animals, Not to be confused for shapeshifters who, unlike the bland minds, can speak, have morals, religion, ect. like humans do. they are commonly hunted rather than shifters.

(Note: Similar to real life animals.)


A sub species to Humans (Like how dogs are to wolves) that possess more animalistic features and can change between forms. Normally don't live with humans due to their differences. Some believe Shifters have richer meat then blankminds so they can still be hunted as well as for their colorful appearance while blankminds are more natural colored.

(Note: Most have 2-3 forms.)


Anthromorphic beings thats features are similar to those of animals but can walk and talk like Humanoids.

(Note: Kemonomimi's can go under this categorey.)

【 Humanoids 】

Similar to Shifters and Humans however, They cannot shift forms into animals unless a strong form of magic is used. Normally beings like Demons, angels, cyclops, elves, ect.

(Note: Kemonomimi's can also go under this categorey.)

FH Foreverhomed Fandom Yaria The Media Original Universe My little pony MLP WIP Code needs updating feral feline cat Madcom Needs drawn ref Old oc No cutiemark Humanoid Madness Combat Human