

The Peak of the Sun Path

The foreign colonizers renamed the unified Huan (幻, transl: fantasy, reverie) States after their own 12-hour time convention- ante meridiem (AM) and post merdidiem (PM)- and the word "meridian" as an ambitious declaration that their nation would one day be the center of the world. In the following centuries, Meridiem grew into it's name, but its regions largely preserved their cultural distinctions and mythical inhabitants

The old captial of Huancheng (幻陈) is a thriving fusion of modern cityscape and Edo Japan/Chinese dynasties. Farther inland is Liming (黎明, transl: dawn), one of the area's only other cities. The encircling mountains hide weathered shrines like the Tonglu (铜鹿, transl: copper deer) Temple. Meridiem City, the current capital and home of the government, is across the nation in the urban center of a European-influenced region. Although much smaller and younger than Huancheng, the capital is surrounded by several significant cities, such as Dale, Port Jubee, and the choatic "Beneath City": South Hallow. The Prime River through Meridiem city eventually splits into weaker rivers that run alongside Okrad and other rural villages

The main plotline in Meridiem is the travels of officers Jeramiah Moyon and Esther Elosegui.

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