The Middle Grounds

The full comic can be found on my Ao3 here. Please note that as of writing this (July 9, 2021), none of these characters have made their debuts in the story yet.

A summary of the comic:
After the averted apocalypse, Crowley finally feels safe enough to explain to Aziraphale who he was before his Fall. Except, it's not quite that simple. Before Crowley existed as he does, there was the Archangel Raphael. Through a process known as soul severing, Raphael was split into two beings living in the same corporation. One of those beings became Crowley, who took over after their Fall. Raphael was always there, just beneath the surface of their subconscious, content to remain quiet for fear of repercussion from the demons, who don't take kindly to former Archangels.

The story follows Aziraphale, Crowley, and now Raphael, through some millennia following the averted apocalypse. In it, we get to dip into their mindscapes as they enjoy the best parts of their lives and struggle with the most difficult changes to come.

not for sale not for trade angel good omens not for transfer human comic opposum latino werefox make an offer anthro werewolf adopt fursona vampire trans adoptable trans man for sale