

My home world, fully created by me, slightly based off my own country, and the Earth. I jokingly say everything in Gramspace is Brazilian-spiced whatever. 

Gram functions in a galaxy / dimension that follows magic rules I created. It is part of a star system that is called in-universe both Gramspace, Gracilian System, or Titanic System. It is centered around a star called The Titan, which corresponds to our sun. Gram mythos says that the Titan willed the creation of the universe because he was lonely, and that each planet is one of the Titan's wive-daughters, with Isidros being his wife-son. This is merely mythos, and Gram came forth from star events similar to the Earth's Big Bang.

The planets in Gramspace are (in order of proximity to the Titan):

  • Salvatia
  • Aprenla
  • Gram
  • Galta
  • Ola
  • Macerne
  • Mordra
  • Isidros

Source of magic

There is no inherent magic in any of these planets, safe for Mordra and Ísidros. Mordra sustains arcane magic, and Ísidros sustains elemental magic. By my magic system, arcane magic and elemental magic don't mix, and are separate schools of magic from the essence of magic itself (magya, in the old language). 

Life came forth in Mordra before it did everywhere else, spawning from magic itself. The magic of Isídros relates to the elements that form it, and rocks, asteroids and even soil from it is capable of spawning magical beings. However, the magic in Isidros never spawned life.

Isidros and elemental magic

At some point in the timeline, a huge chunk of Isidros fell on Gram ages past, causing a mass-extinction event. In the coming milennia, from this asteroid emerged thirteen sentient ancestral rocks that had come to conscience. These rock-beings then created elemental magic creatures and beasts based off the flourishing nature, fauna and flora of Gram. 

Mordra and arcane magic

Much later in the timeline, in far more modern times, the humanoid beings from Mordra fled their planet for Gram. Because of the proximity of Mordra to an asteroid belt, the planet was finally destroyed by a crashing asteroid, and a few mage lineages escaped to Gram, shaping recent timeline with their alien, never seen before arcane magic. The actual name of their planet was lost with the passing of the ages, and their alien status is all but lost. 


Any being that practices magic is called magyr in-universe. Magyrs correspond to less than 5% of the population, and in modern times, magic is all slowly dying out and becoming myth. World leaders and important figures tend to be magyrs, and magyrs protect their own through power and secrecy. The reptilians are in power, the illuminati are real. Gram is not flat (although I am sure some idiots in Gram think it is).