Kota + Gray

This folder is for the story surrounding Kota and Gray, I will continue to update this with further updates, lore.

Setting Context: A rule world purely by hierarchy and wealth. Gray summons a demon for the sake of protection, one to fit in with the rest of the vampires residing in the current world. Vampires are kept as 'pets', protection and, OTHER THINGS 😭😭 as a sign of hierarchy. Kota also known as white snake for the sake of hidden identity hopeful to not reveal any information at all to keep Gray safe. The contract was formed, Kota is offered protection of his own, shelter, what he needs to survive, and new things to keep him from boredom. Meanwhile Gray is offered protection of his own, and someone to serve him until his death (Kota is practically there to ensure that doesn't happen anytime soon.) Kota is caught off guard at first but Gray's seemingly calm and intolerant attitude for the situation being enough to make him agree regardless. Gray is one of the smartest and wealthiest on this hierarchy, reaching the top from his own hard work, starting from nothing and clawing his way to the top. Death among this isnt uncommon, other people of wealth often target each other trying to reach the top through the death of others, (thus the reason for protection.) Gray is once again extremely intelligent and willing to take the risk of summoning for the sake of his work. His research being a huge part (later to be explained!!) He and Kota often have to deceive others and even go to extent of killing to achieve and get things they need for such. (Kota does most of the work in deception and killing though LMAO) (WIP)