RULE 54 is a series that is set in an artistic student's notebook (Noto)

Each subject is a district, the dividers of the notebook being the borders. Each district is ruled by a Mayor, and furthermore each district chooses its mayor differently. 

The overall ruler is Her Majesty Mei, an unpredictable queen with questionable motives and incredibly oppresive rules. Her punishments are harsh, and if anything isn't to her liking, she won't hesitate to send them away. Nobody even knows how she got crowned, she's just always been there; however, nobody has ever tried to stop her (that we know of) and it's inflated her ego to the max. So much so that, for whatever reason, a few years ago she decided to add another rule to her long line of crimes against humanity, and has changed my life forever--Rule 54: "All humans, Noto has to be rid of." That's the exact verbatim rule, too. 

Noto has a ton of different species. Any animal you can think of probably has a humanoid equivalent. The Mayor of Shigaku is a bee, for christ's sake. Either way, for some reason, you have to have an animal trait to survive here. If you have none, you're dubbed as a terrible, greedy, selfish creature and immediately taken... somewhere. Nobody knows where besides Mei and the angels I assume, who are her guards. There's a common known legend that you get sent to a place that completely distorts your reality, and you end up going insane before dying through suicide--but that's just a slightly darker children's tale to keep kids from misbehaving. Even still, it's the closest we've got to an answer, considering nobody that's gone there has come back.

 I wear an antennae headband to keep myself from being caught. A lot of humans make DIY animal limbs. I have a sneaking suspicion that the Majesty herself is a human, though, and I'd get into why, but I don't want anyone to find this paper and start a manhunt. Remember me. My name is April.