Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


I'll state this, here and now, that all of my characters/designs/species - listed & pending upload - will never be parted with! 
They're forever homed here!! So, don't bother asking. 

If someone 'claiming' to have received a character/design from me via a resale, trade or so on, their claim is completely False!!  
Theft is wrong and is harmful to me, my worlds I've built as well as the well-being of my characters and species, adopted or personal! 

If you find a heavily-inspired design for sale - based off of one of my adopted or personal characters/species - don't buy it & notify me!

  • No one has any permission to create designs, based off of any of my characters or species in any way, without my personal written consent!!
Also, it is great that you wish to subscribe to me, but I don't really appreciate it all that much. Sorry! It honestly makes me incredibly paranoid and uncomfortable of the possibility of theft. 
  • If you are subscribing or faving just - for the sole fact - so you can 'stalk' for possible opportunities of resales & so on, please don't do it.
Plus, you should know:
  • My adopted and personal babies are 'Fullyview-able by Authorized people who I can fully trust ONLY!
    • That also means, no one is safe from having that authorization revoked without any warning if necessary.

ALSO, FYI concerning my character, Césarine, aka 'Rebel', is that she's solely owned by me. Her co-ownership is no longer valid!! It's been terminated for nearly a full year. 

  • If you see her being used by the person claiming to be her co-owner, please report it. This person has NO permissions from me to continue using her in any way, shape or form. End of story.

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!