opozzouls's Bulletins

art or custom trade anyone ?

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by opozzouls

wnenennerener ?

0 Votes jfdiidodowls
0 Votes jdksl
1 Votes wnener w e

i wanna do a trade because i am like at a loss for drawing ideas lmao, i’m also pretty bored because i have no school for 5 weeks so ye

im gonna do 3 art / custom trades ( dont wanna do too much bc i know that will kill my motivation ) so if anyone wants to do one then i’m up for it :D !!

( also if you have any dragon / dinosaur / unique dog ocs then i will happily draw them )

artfight 👀👀👀

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by opozzouls


gonna (hopefully) be on team wither :)

th resort !!

Posted 2 years, 21 hours ago by opozzouls

gonna re sort my toyhouse and then expect art of my ocs since i really need to do something relaxing right now

happy pride dudes

Posted 2 years, 12 days ago by opozzouls

why do straight men always gotta be hot man 😮‍💨

anyone got commissions open ?

Posted 2 years, 17 days ago by opozzouls

i’ve just been given really bad news and also was told something that isn’t nesecarily news but still has made me feel really upset,

if any of you have da point commissions or commissions for money ( preferably in £ ) then feel free to let me know since i’d love to get things to cheer me up <3

thanks for reading, i love you all :)

artist questions

Posted 2 years, 24 days ago by opozzouls

artist questions!

1 . what program do you use?


2. what do you use to draw?

phone and finger 

3. what brush do you use for lineart?

i think it’s the script calligraphy brush

4. what do you typically draw?

animals, usually dogs or canines tho

5. when did you start art in general?

since i was little basically

6. when did you start digital art?


7. why did you start digital art?

got my first phone to play pokemon go and then discovered an app called sony sketch

8. do you plan on doing art in the long run?

i hope so

9. are you happy with your art style?


10. do you prefer character designing or drawing characters?


11. are you self taught or did you ever take classes?

self taught

12. how long would it take you to draw a simple fullbody?

an hour maybe ? depends on what the oc looks like

13. how many sketches do you do?

however many i feel like

14. do you have any go-to music or background noise you like to have when drawing?


but atm i like sam smith, muse, paolo nutini, dope lemon, tall horse ( thank you overwatch lobby ), black betty by ramjam ( it was in my favourite rayman level ), arctic monkeys

15. and finally, whats your current favorite art piece?

idk probably the poodle custom i made kayda ( which also seems really popular according to instagram ?? )

111 questions

Posted 2 years, 26 days ago by opozzouls

1). Are you really ready for 111 questions? 


2). Was your last real relationship a mistake?


4). Who did you last say "I love you" to?

bro idek

5). Do you regret it?

no comment

6). Have you ever been depressed?


7). Are you a boy?


8). Are you a girl?


9). What is your relationship status?


10). How do you want to die? 

drowning seems pretty chill tbh

11). What did you last eat? 

these like strawberry things

12). Played any sports?

did horse riding, i still do outdoor stuff but mainly archery and absailing since they are my favourite

13). Do you bite your nails?


14). When was your last physical fight? 

i dont do physical fights

15). Do you have an attitude? 

depends who you are

16). Do you like someone?

possibly idk

17). What is your real name? 

daniel and thats all you get from me

19). Are you gonna get high later? 

i would if i could

20). Do you hate anyone at the moment? 

i hate 4 people

21). Do you miss someone?


22). Twirl or cut your spaghetti? 

twirl i never knew people cut their spaghetti

23). Do you tan a lot? 


24). Have any pets? 

cats, dogs, tortoises, hamster

( i want a horse and some kind of reptile tho )

25). How exactly are you feeling? 

like meh and i just realised im only on 25

26). Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving?


27). Ever made out in the bathroom? 


28). Would you take any of your exes back?


29). Are you scared of spiders? 


30). Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? 


31). Do you regret anything from your past?


32). What are your plans for this weekend?


33). Do you want to have kids? 


34). Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M? 


35). Do you type fast? 

v e r y   f a s t

36). Do you have piercings?


37). Want any more?

yes i want at least 3-5 more

38). Can you spell well? 

yes but i cannot spell nesecary for the life of me

39). Do you miss anyone from your past? 


40). What are you craving right now?


41). Ever been to a bonfire party?


43). Have you ever been on a horse? 

yeah i used to have my own

45). Have you ever broken someone's heart? 

idk maybe 

46). Have you ever been cheated on?

i sure hope not

49). Would you live with someone without marrying them? 


50). What should you be doing? 

art and getting ready for school

51). What's irritating you right now? 

the lessons i have today

52). Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? 


54). What is your favorite color?

r e d

55) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? 


57). Do you have trust issues? 

very much

62). Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you?

well i mean we are still friends so

63). Who was the last person you cried in front of? 

my cats

64). Do you give out second chances too easily? 

no, i just hold grudges because of how many shitty people i’ve met before ( literally only 4 of my old friends didn’t turn out to be racist in some way )

65). Is it easier to forgive or forget? 


66). Is this year the best year of your life?


67). What was your childhood nickname? 

no comment

68). Have you ever walked outside completely naked?


70). Do you believe everything happens for a reason?


71). What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? 

put my retainer on :)

73). What is bothering you? 


74). Have you ever been out of your state? 

 i have never been out of my country no

75). Do you play the Wii? 

yes ( guitar hero my beloved )

76). Are you listening to music right now? 

no i am listening to my ps4 fans rn

77). Do you like Chinese food? 


78). Do you know your fathers b- day? 

21st november, you want his address and card info too ?

79). Are you afraid of the dark? 


80). Is cheating ever okay?

fuck no

81). Are you mean? 


82). Can you keep white shoes clean? 


84). Do you believe in true love? 


88). Do you like the outside? 


89). Are you currently bored?


90). Do you wanna get married? 

idk depends on the other person, personally i dont wanna but if they want to then i’d consider

91). Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?


92). Are you hungry? 


93). Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight?

hell no

94). What makes you happy?

music and having nice friends :D

95). Would you change your name?

bro… 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️

96). Ever been to Alaska? 


98). Do you watch the news?


99). What's your zodiac sign? 


100). Do you like Subway? 

yeah but i mean i made the sandwich so

101). Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?


102). Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? 

bro idk i’m like 70% gay but like we can still kiss if you want homie

105). Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them?


106). Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act  yourself around?


107). Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?

when i asked kayda a question last night

108). Does it matter if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes? 

no just like don’t do it constantly around me i’ve already inhaled enough

109). Who's the last person you had a deep conversation with? 


110). Favorite lyrics right now? 

“and have i got to kill myself to be original ? and if i fucking hate you all am i a criminal ? can you afford to be an individual ? can you afford to be an individual ?”

111). Can you count to one million? 


az meme

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by opozzouls

A- Age: 15

B- Biggest Fear: guns

C- Current Time: 15:55

D- Drink you last had: coffee

E- Easiest Person To Talk to: idk 

F- Favorite Song: where is my mind ~ pixies

G- Ghosts, are they real: not too sure tbh

H- Hometown: uk

I- In love with: idk

J- Jealous Of: rich people smh

K- Kid's Show you enjoy: adventure time, amazing world of gumball, how to train your dragon

L- Last time you cried?:  a while ago

M- Middle Name: alex

N- Number of Siblings: 3

O- One Wish: i wish i was taller man

P- Person who you last called: school friends

Q- Question you're always asked: idk

R- Reason to smile: my ark dino bros man they are so cool

S- Song last sang: smells like teen spirit because i have to learn it on guitar 

T- Time you woke up: 6am

U- Unusual trait: idk uhh

V- Vacation Destination: probably the netherlands, gotta pay respects to my (father?)land

W- Worst Habit: i have a few lmao

X- X-Rays you've had: i got a teeth x-ray a while ago

Y- Your favorite food: enchiladas are so good man

Z- Zodiac Sign: leo

really cool species !!

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by opozzouls

( there is currently an myo event going on too ! )
