peepawcow's Bulletins

update | note

Posted 4 hours, 44 minutes ago by peepawcow

managed to get my things back so I'll try to continue work tomorrow, but, oh I am so tired of my family and the stress they put me through, at least thankfully things worked out, just wished they were a bit better though

might be ia

Posted 13 hours, 26 minutes ago by peepawcow

my mother's getting extremely irrational and impatient with me due to the fact I'm trying to get shit done and she just won't even let me have a moment Alone to work right now, so I do think my wifi might get shut off today, it might, but I'm hoping it won't, if so, I just won't be around but I'll still try to get some owed art in for what I got in clip studio that are wips right now

art stream !!

Posted 14 hours, 26 minutes ago by peepawcow

gonna' finish two designs an' see 'bout figuring out my old style for the ghostface designs again

note !

Posted 2 days, 15 hours ago by peepawcow

startin' stream back up !! for the owed art I wanna' do, I'm going to try and take care of doing around two to three designs + do some art afterwards trying to figure out my old artstyle for the ghostface designs

we're back

Posted 3 days, 7 hours ago by peepawcow

back with this nowe an' m'hopin' jus' to ease up while I finish this quick warmup doodlepage and then get to some designs

link again, fer' folks who need it -

tiny note

Posted 3 days, 8 hours ago by peepawcow

stoppin' stream while I eat jus' so my computer doesn't crash / overheat, it's a bit hot 'ere and my stuff ain't what it used to be so like, I ain't riskin' it but I'm lettin' some folk know !!

art stream !!

Posted 3 days, 9 hours ago by peepawcow

gonna' start with a few warmups and then worm my way to doing some design work ! will be primarily focusing on unfinished art designs first because well the ghostface designs got a specific style which I need to relearn a little bit

hellos !!

Posted 3 days, 15 hours ago by peepawcow

now that I'm officially like, kind of ready to do some stuff, I'm gonna' be taking care of a few unfinished designs / ghostface designs today and jus' work from there, I'll art stream after I've put myself together, a little tired and in pain today but I'm gonna' truck through it

note !!

Posted 7 days, 9 hours ago by peepawcow

gonna' be returning on the 8th to maybe 9th since I have to do a mental health evaluation for my school given well, my dad's passing, I figured around that time would be good since there is still a few things I've gotta' tend to while the week is ending for me

so yea' I'm gonna' take a bit for m'self like I stated previously, to elaborate on a few things my family is getting extremely toxic to me so it's been making it hard to deal with everything, from my mother getting extremely petty about small things to outright there being moments where I genuinely do not get why I'm getting yelled at, and between relapsing off of some coping mechanisms which isn't fairing me very well, I plan to just focus on some oc projects + also get down on some school work so I can feel secure, since end of my school year is coming around the corner ( june 5th to june 7th, I believe ), so while I'm going to be posting on my personal account, getting references down, I'll be mainly doing my own thing.

this is just to clarify why I've been super in and out of things, and a little neglectful of replying to people in full / fully getting to dms or other people, just because while my dad has been out of my life due to his death, my other family members are getting shitty to me and it isn't doing me well. so, I will come back or plan to do some work when I got things out of the way, but it's just really bad right now, and I need people to understand I'm lettin' folk know because there are people I do want to get to here who need to be aware of why I haven't been well, and why while I've made progress in some work here and there, there's still a lot I want to do, just. not with - some shit in the way.

so while I know folks'll underatand, don't mind, and overall are okay with me takin' my time with some stuff, I just don't like dealing with the roadblocks and I want folks to keep in mind when I'm going to be around and when I'm not.