
Arcadia is currently being ruled by Lucifer who inherited it after the death of his father. It is a very militaristic nation, focusing on increasing its military power and even having many training schools for new and future recruits.


  • Each demon is born under a "Guardian." Most do not make contact with their "Guardians" during their lifetimes, however, some do. Direct contracts can be formed with these "Guardians" to amplify the demon's magic and obtain additional abilities.
  • The more opaque the magic, the stronger and more stable it is. The same thing applies to the number of halos and halo location. More halos and "higher up the body" (ex. head) > Less halos and lower on the body (ex. feet).
  • This magic condenses into a "core," otherwise known as "qualidea." Both people and monsters have qualidea, although they have different properties. Monster qualidea contain a large amount of energy and are used to power the kingdom. However, they are highly unstable and are poisonous if ingested. There is a special unit of the military that hunts monsters and collect their qualidea.

Military Traditions

  • It is generally acceptable to eat the qualidea of the enemies. This is the easiest way to gain power and move up the ranks.
  • Soldiers break off and give away the spikes on their armour to friends, lovers, and crushes in the army when they retire.