pigeonsintrashcans's Bulletins


Posted 3 years, 11 months ago by pigeonsintrashcans

Artfight is blocked on my phone and I asked my dad to unblock it and he said he’d think about it. I really hope he does. He’s concerned about me talking to people :(

Does anyone wanna help me?

Posted 4 years, 5 days ago by pigeonsintrashcans

Sooooo I’ve been missing my Doggo. He died about a year and a half ago. I’ve been missing him a lot recently and I want to make him into a fursona. Could someone help me? Here’s him- https://toyhou.se/7229039.amos

I’m at the beach but the waves are soooooo rough so I came inside and now I’m bored. I will do headshots of your characters. No humans. Idk how many I’ll take. I’ll draw until I’m tired of it. First come first served. I’ll either do a traditional drawing and use markers to color or I’ll go get my iPad. Depends on how lazy I feel.

Edit: I just remembered I have two designs to make for design trades. Then I’ll do these. But feel free to gib me refs now.

I’m in need of a comfort sona. To draw when I’m upset. Probably soft colors. A dog. Sleepy. Idk. Calming. If anyone has some extra time I’d rlly appreciate if you would design me one. I could probably trade something for it but I’m on vacation sooooo probably not quickly. I am posting a few new adopts soon so maybe I’ll let you pick one of them?

Anyone wanna maybe do an art trade?

Posted 4 years, 15 days ago by pigeonsintrashcans

Do you love him?!

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He is baby and I need art of him!!!!!!!!!!! Free art would be preferred but if also be willing to do an art trade!

DTs or character trades? I’m looking for some beautiful babies. I’m looking for bright or pastel rainbow, striped characters. Maybe even a complicated sparkledog.

Immmmmmm booooorrrrrrreeeeddd and want to sketch.

Posted 4 years, 16 days ago by pigeonsintrashcans


0 Votes Get a life
2 Votes Why
0 Votes Stop being indecisive
0 Votes No
0 Votes 😒

Gib me a link to one of my characters (and yours too I guess) and I’ll sketch dem cause I can’t chooooose .


Posted 4 years, 22 days ago by pigeonsintrashcans

Anyone in unsorted is uft some I may even let go for free. The characters in uft are adopts I made purposely. Please offer on anyone in unsorted. I need to get rid of characters I don’t use!