pikoki's Bulletins

- - Pride Month! (YCH updates)

Posted 3 years, 12 days ago by pikoki

ayyyyy pog!

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let’s go it’s june and it’s pride month!

since it’s pride month, i thought i would update my YCH and add a pride version! if you didn’t know, i edited the format of the YCH so that there is now a new pride version! the original is still there tho :D

Also, i noticed that i needed more art of characters so it can also be payed in art! art payment has to be anything higher than 2 icons (fullbodies, busts, etc.), however, i’d really really prefer 100 points. it would be so much better, but i understand if you don’t have enough or if you’re saving up. 

again, sorry if you already knew about the changes, i just wanted to maximize exposure :’)

Happy Pride month! 🏳️‍🌈

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- - Open YCH!

Posted 3 years, 15 days ago by pikoki

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hi hi! sorry if you already saw this, i don’t mean to spam you but i opened up a YCH! i’ve been really low on points, plus i just needed a break from drawing character refs for all my characters who don’t have one.

They are 100 points each! more info will be here. thank you so much :DD

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- - LF: Free art

Posted 3 years, 18 days ago by pikoki

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djakjfka hi i need art of my mains aa

i’m super busy with school stuff especially because it’s almost the end of the school year so a lot of work is being piled on top of me

i’m trying to do my homework before i do art but that leaves so little time for me to draw (especially since i still have so many characters that i want to redesign and that need refs) plus my neck gets tired after a few hours so i need lots of breaks

so uh if you’re free, could you guys draw some of my mains here? oh also don’t draw the TBN one, i’m currently redesign them ^^’ 

all art is very much appreciated <333

wow this is awkward for me

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- - kinda just to clarify

Posted 3 years, 24 days ago by pikoki

do you have social anxiety?

16 Votes yea 😳
6 Votes idk sorta?
4 Votes nah i’m just chillin 😎

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hey!! so just in case, i just wanted to say that if we’re talking (this applies to different websites too) and you don’t get a reply from me in the middle of the convo, it’s not that i don’t like you or anything! it’s just because i can get really shy and i have social anxiety eep (or i just forget i was talking to someone O_O)

and this could also be for friends too! sometimes i’ve had a rough day or i’m really stressed out and when people want to talk to me, it’s hard to put out the energy to socialize :’)

this wasn’t directed at anyone!! and nobody has ever gotten mad at me for not replying but just in case if you’re wondering, this is why!

aa sorry

(part of my social anxiety is being super apologetic aha-)

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- - Raffle - - (mine)

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by pikoki

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so i got bored and now i’m doing this! the prize will be a fully shaded fullbody (feral only) and there will be 1 winner! 

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Here’s an example:


(character belongs to wiinter)

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to enter, please:

- Subscribe to me

- Favorite either Delta, my persona, and/or any of these

- Make a bulletin advertising this one!

- Comment saying you did all these things and link the bulletin!

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ends 72 hours! (May 16th, 11am PST)

Best of luck to all of you :]

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