pixelware's Bulletins

artfight yippeee

Posted 11 months, 21 days ago by pixelware

vampires you're DEAD GRHRHGGGR

im team werewolves 💪💪


(hoping to be more active although I have exams, might be active the last 2 weeks !)

update on previous bulletin (important)

Posted 11 months, 23 days ago by pixelware

I was given permission to give more details on the situation, please keep in mind there's triggering stuff

again, do NOT harass anyone /srs (no one here did so far, thankyuo guyd/gen) just block/unfollow and move on :3

about this user KYSHINX, basically someone who knows Blake, of one of her victims, messaged me here on toyhouse with a lot of screenshots and proof including a google doc, you can check it out at your own risk /nf , it has triggering topics


also uhhh thats weird /neg https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1082508351818186762/1120509286045454456/IMG_1135.png

there's more screenshots qnd stuff but I think that's already enough for me personally,,

I'm pretty sure that's illegal and damaging for Blake. Blake if you see this, you're strong and the worst part is over /srs. Thanks for sharing this with us and thanks to nathalie188 for letting me know

I'd appreciate if you guys stopped associating me with this person since they own some characters and art by me

take care and stay safe guys <3

beware about this user (important?)

Posted 11 months, 23 days ago by pixelware

i used to have a mutual who i wasn't close to but still interacted enough with her, so you may have seen her user in my profile (KYSHINX https://toyhou.se/~tickets/create/user/501892 )

first of all do not harass her or i will genuinely get mad at you, that's not okay. I only encourage you to block and move on but it's okay if you don't want to, just please stay away

second, im still unsure if im allowed to disclose the reasons for my decision to stop associating myself with her. Gonna keep that private unless im given permission to elaborate, please respect this because someone else is involved and not me directly if that matters /nm

i guess friends can ask in private if theyre curious and want to know what happened but it's not my situation or anything, i just happened to get informed by someone else and i wanna make sure everyone is safe and stuff. so yeah, beware. this person has groomed a young kid and you should be careful!!

i love youguys a ton and im being serious when i tell you dont harass this person. not cool, not gonna help anyone. stay safe and dont let ANYONE make you uncomfortable <3

oh also abt artfight

Posted 11 months, 29 days ago by pixelware

I officially decided to participate like a month ago but never announced it publicly so here I am hi, this will be my third yeah oh em gee!!!

(yeah it sucks cause I just started my semi break JSHJFH) but to clear things up, I will be participating, yes, just expect the first 2 weeks approximately little to no revenge. Once I finish my mid term exams I will have a short vacation I believe! and most of my stress will probably be gone (it always happens, I've been experiencing the same cycle for years 💀)

I can't make any promises but hopefully I'll attack/revenge on the last 2 weeks :] but I won't be doing revenge for every single attack I get, idk it makes me overwhelmed, I get art block and I want to stop being an extreme people pleaser in general /lh (if you don't get attacked back please know it ain't personal, I can't help it lol. your art is 100% likely gonna make me happy and I am not picky at all because it's art fight and I love to see everyone having fun /gen , like idc about art styles at this point cause seeing yall so excited is already beautiful to me. <3)

not forcing anyone to attack me tbh, just do it if you want to :D /srs

MY LINK: https://artfight.net/~pixelware :D

semi break /neu

Posted 11 months, 29 days ago by pixelware

I can't deal with my life and growing up hurts

I will have better days ofc but not now, that's why I've been distant from toyhouse, I can't do all of that at the same time idk

owed art will be delayed

if you see me post art it's because I cope that way and I really need it right now

thank you /gen

this will be over in a couple weeks probably, I have term exams and things are hard with my family (they can't let me go and they're hurt, I'm also hurt but it's just life)

I will keep being semi active, I will talk to my friends because that's something that helps me feel better and helps them too sometimes

stolrn (devil emoji)

Posted 1 year, 9 days ago by pixelware

whats ur name : felix

gender+pronouns : demiboy he/they sometimes they/he

orientation : demi+pansexual, demi+panromantic

what r you ??? : wha

do you have any hyperfixtions : rn mario odissey and maybe pizza tower, they usually switch in a week or two

favorite character ? : idk thats a hard question, denji from chainsaw man and power and makima and asa mitaka oooh and togata from fire punch

last game you played ? : pokemon violet

zodiac sign : aries i think

do you have pets ? : 2 dogs, 1 cat i LOVE them :3

how many plushies do you have : a lot idk

whats the worst thing you’ve hyperfixated on : probably kpop, it lasted for 5 years and it still haunts me.... maybe chainsaw man too? that was less extreme tho

whats the stupidest reasons you’ve cried : i genuinely thought i was gonna die because i was choking. with food (this was a few days ago,)

opinion on mullets : cool, not for me HJGDAH

best flavor of icecream : VANILLA. FIGHT ME

whats ur favorite subject in school : UHH idk man maybe physics? all of my subjects suck but i love my math teacher. shes awesome :3

can you drive : almost yeah

favorite music artist : oooh this is a bit embarassing uh, dpr (kpop), stray kids (kpop), day6 (kpop/krock)

favorite album from that artist : thats a hard question, probably day6 moonrise or dpr ian moodswings in this order

whos a character you understand better then everyone else : denji chainsawman and asa mitaka and power IDK SHAGFAFFGH

how evil r u ,,,, :5%

how good r u : 80%

stickers ? : yes where. give me

opinion on bugs : AAAAAH hatethem. i have phobia for ants and spiders D:

favorite fashion subculture : decora, grunge and pajamas

ok bye bey idk what else to say bbbuuyeeeee : despawns


stole nfrom dasay tyouse user (dazai)

please tell me which one am i, im genuinely curious/nf

for your priiiideeeee

sorry I'm not good when it comes to this but uh happy quer month

I hope you all have a nice time and can be happy with yourselves :3 diversity is cool and it would be boring if we were all the same, ik it's not fun to try and fit in certain specific labels, and you don't have to do it. Being myself feels way better than being a slave to social norms, dress how you want, kiss who you like, trans your gender all you want to, do all of that stuff if that's what your heart tells you to do :]


okay that's it I love you guys, imma go and RUB TESTOSTERONE GEL ON MY LEGS WITH PRIDE‼️‼️‼️/hj

UHH an old sona is ufo and I only have 20 moner rn you can check my toyhouse, I'm tent with the guys tagged offlimits, mostly lf money via paypal no cashapp sorry, but you can also offer other stuff idm :D