Why Love?


One of the four main characters. An albino Kitsune is part of a guild named Starfall. She is very reserved and quiet, but is open to her close friends, Koga, Emi and Lisa.


Second of the four main characters. A golden Nekojin is a part of a guild named Starfall. Emi is very bubbly and adventurous. She is always picking out jobs to go on fun adventures and drags Reikko along with her.


Fourth of the four main characters. A bronze Werewolf who is a part of Starfall. Koga is very outgoing and loves to meet new people and have many friends. But his favorite besties are Reikko, Emi and Lisa. He will often go on jobs with the group but sometimes he likes to go alone.


Third of the four main characters. A hazel Nekojin who is a part of Starfall. Lisa is very friendly to all the guildmates and often interacts with them while she works at the bar in the guild. But she often speaks to Reikko, Koga and Emi.


The main four take in this little dragon. Kazumi is pretty shy and only really speaks to the main four who he considers his parents.


Although she isn’t a part of Starfall she is well known within Starfall. She comes and goes when she pleases but enjoys her company with crush Koga. Although she isn’t rude to others, she's just very shy and doesn't understand how to speak to others. So sometimes she comes off as rude even without trying.








A warrior Elf that strives to make her parents and ancestors proud. She is strict and level headed, coming from her entire life of training.


A healing Elf that keeps track of the Ancient Tree and the Forest’s health in order.

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