Grieving Cygne

The world in which Drav and Vyctor are in. It's a universe where roughly 20 years ago there was a great war, which was won by the Good Side (basically every race except the unknown and very vague enemy. Only the soldiers who fought really saw what the enemy was, everyone else just knows they were super deadly and if they had won then the world would be over.) The society is split into the Elites and the Others; the Elites are generally the ones with all the money, and the Others are the poorest. Whilst the veterans are highly valued, an underground gambling and crime ring has opened up which includes engagement with both some evil Elites and some desperate Others. Those who split up and make their own little area of this Underground are known as Overlords, and they do what they want, which is sometimes nice and the rest of the time, evil.

This world includes elves, humans and hybrids.

Elves are a secluded race that hide away and are extremely powerful, rarely communicating with the other races. Occasionally, an elf will join the outside world. All elves have intense powers to some extent, though some do not hone it to its full potential.

Humans are typical, standard. One in every hundred humans has powers as well, but typically they stick to whatever they're good at; baking, blacksmithing, tailoring. They run most of the shops, or are elites.

Hybrids are humans crossed with animals, most commonly forest animals. This is theorised to have begun from scientific experimentation, but it was hundreds of years ago and now the hybrids live amongst everyone else. Their specialties are limited to the animals they are crossed with.