Witch Collection

Witch Collection

There exists a realm where everyone and no one are neither alive nor dead.
Those abandoned by their Creators, those defying their Creators, those having no place among the living nor the dead gather here. Among them are Witches.

Witches are those who willingly abandoned their Creators and cast away their eyes. Lacking Identity, they value Persona instead, and hide between several masks.

A Witch’s unique feature is their Core, also known as a Witch’s Heart. Through it, they can draw magic from the Dream Gate without limit.

They stand at the top of all beings, along with Regalias and Faeries. Rather than helping those in the mortal realm, they mess with them. Despite there being Regalias of the demon or devil type, Witches would be a whole other level of bad. While Regalias do bad things, they at least gain something essential, whereas Witches do bad things because they merely seek entertainment.

A Witch’s nature is predetermined and will be inherited regardless of whether it contradicts their original personality; all Witches are mischievous, have some serious gambling issues and are unable to love; rather than love, they are overwhelmed with a feeling of wanting to monopolize the subject of affection.

The Villa is a separate world that is endlessly big and has no start and end. It is the very definition of illogicality.

The Villa consists of rooms which belong to their respective residents. Despite being called rooms, these are actually small worlds that are connected to the Villa. The residents have access to their rooms thanks to a key - losing the key means a loss of the room.
No one else can enter the room if the resident desires so - the resident decides who can enter and who cannot.

The Border between Life and Death is divided into three levels; in the upper level is the realm of Faeries, in the center is the Dream Gate, in the lower level is the realm of the Witches.

Alongside Faeries and Witches, there are several other beings, though unnamed. All of them are on the cursed side and most lack a definite form.
Those without form just roam around, probably contemplating on the meaning of life or whether white chocolate can be considered chocolate. Those with form are either employed at the Villa as butler and maids or go about their existence or follow a certain individual.