2.Secondary Fursonas

These represent separate aspects of me, instead of just... "me".

Aaric is my main "vent" character, I pour all my pain and suffering on him, the poor bean. Also my main Vernid fursona.

Ethan is what I would be if I was born cis male (I think, y'know, no one knows for sure). 

Spat is my wild child. The not serious, dumb side that just likes food and puns.

Tea is my main Dutch Angel Dragon fursona. She's based on a cat that I got as a present for my first birthday, and who protected and helped me through life until I was 14.

Xero I created when Linkin Park's main man, Chester Bennington, passed away. Linkin Park is like, my life. And Xero helped me cope with the loss of Chester.

canine dog cat original species feline deer antlers vernid wolf avian monster fox dragon spooky bird mustelid tiger rat otter bunny