
NanabClan’s territory is primarily made up of a white sand beach, which is where their camp is located. Half of their camp is underwater, as they have the highest population of fish or primarily underwater Pokémon. Some of the beaches farther from the camp are a bit rockier, as the terrain grows more steep near the YacheClan border.

The sand dissipates into dirt and grass farther from the beaches, into flatland with tall grass and sparse palm trees. This Clan is rather warm, and the Greenleafs are quite harsh, the grass turning golden in its heat.

Clan Customs
The Clan’s values involve a lot of adaptability. As they live on the edge of the water, many Pokémon have to learn to survive in an environment their species would be unfamiliar with.

Every moon, they task their warriors to get out of their element. The primarily land Pokémon will swim in the ocean and taste seaweeds, whilst the primarily water Pokémon will poke their heads out of the water and taste the land’s berries. It is mostly symbolic, as some do it regularly, but it is still a tradition that is upheld and held in high regard

StarClan Status
StarClan is fairly well respected by NanabClan. They do have a slightly different view and interpretation of it, as a good amount of their members don’t live on land with the other Clans. This sometimes alienates the other Clans, but ultimately their beliefs do not stray too far from the others’. However, it means they are slightly more open-minded, and believe that StarClan is, too. They like to view things in a more nuanced way, as they try to look at all sides and eliminate their biases.