
RoseliClan’s territory is primarily a meadow with sparse trees and ponds, the territory is cut in half by a river that goes from YacheClan to PayapaClan. The camp is decently sized and one side of it is surrounded by a small pond, there is a fallen tree that is the bridge to and from the camp entrance, the camp resides in one of the many small clusters of trees. The territory scatters into dense foliage and trees as it transitions to PayapaClan and rocky hills as it transitions to YacheClan.

Clan Customs
This Clan values kindness and peace. They are the most accepting of trainerpets, loners, and rogues and tend to let them come and go as they please. They are much more laid back than the other Clans and usually just go with what everyone else is saying or doing, they aren’t too keen on fighting and prefer to keep to themselves when other Clans fight.

StarClan Status
StarClan is well respected in RoseliClan. They are quite loose on following the Warrior Code and StarClan; they do follow it they mostly just do their own thing. RoseliClan is very open to everything and reads into all of the warrior code’s rules in the most positive, passive way possible.

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