★ unicorn club


Known for it's flashy colors and pretty unicorn hybirds, Club Silver Spoon (other well known as The Unicorn Club is nested in a over populated city with danger lurking around each corner. Newest dancer Atlas is brought in due to his strong body and pretty looks, as well as a approving eye from the club's owner. As Atlas grows more active in the club, getting to know other dancers and staff well, he finds himself trapped in a endless web of lies.

With no way out, no one to trust, Atlas digs himself deeper into the confusing past and secretive truth of the Unicorn Club. Little does he know, Atlas's every move has been watched very closely by the club owner, and he intends on keeping Atlas on a very tight leash.

The Unicorn Club is a story not meant for younger viewers. If you are underage, I feel highly uncomfortable with you reading/looking at these characters.

The Unicorn Club contains scenes of violence, sex, sexual dancing and drinking. Veiwer discretion is advised.