shinydragon47's Bulletins

Look at how much art I did in 36 hours

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by shinydragon47

Do you think that's a lot?

0 Votes Man how did you do that in only 36 hours
2 Votes Gust wow đź‘Ś
1 Votes I can do more than that all the art I've done 

I also did all the art with paint markers 

something that makes me happy

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by shinydragon47

something that makes me happy is when people enjoy my art and say that they like it 

My art door project

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by shinydragon47

I'm trying to fill my door hole door with art by summer and I think I'll be doon by the end of the month so you can see how much is done

Free art again

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by shinydragon47

Gust fav the character for free art


And you can watch me draw them and you can draw to if you want

No humans!

Also would be really nice if you could share this bulletin even if it's gust a ping or reposting it as a bulletin 

Help me decide

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by shinydragon47

I'm trying to choose a wallet for my phone but I don't know witch one so this is goin to be a 1 or 2 game first person to commit 1 or 2 chooses my wallpaper for my phone 

I made my wallpaper the icon of my toyhouse account 

If you play...

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by shinydragon47

I gust got the new game slam on my phone 

And my username is shinydragon4 on there and I'm in 1st in my Territory for weekly points and daily points Yay it tuck me like 4 hours 

I'm make an among us story because I'm bored so send me a link to a character I can draw in a suit roles are below must be character that walks on all 4's.

Captain: starflight 

 Crewmembers I'm looking for minimum of 8 maximum of 15

10 out of 15 slots are taken 

Slot 1: starflight link to character:

Slot 2: stella link to character

Slot 3: jip-n-pip link to character

Slot 4:.-stitches- link to character

Slot 5: jam link to character

Slot 6: cutie-patootie link to character

Slot 7: -clyde- link to character

Slot 8: josh link to character

Slot 9: kaiha link to character

Slot 10: soul link to character

The imposter will be randomly picked

Fan art is welcome!

Tell me if you want your character to be captain it is for claim so first one to ask gets it

I have a lot of snow because I live in the place called Canada 🇨🇦  I hate it in winter because it never stops snowing the most I've ever seen though is 4 feet I think I was little so I don't remember much 

Tell me how much snow you get in winter and if you get non that's awesome 👌 

the hunger games with my oc's

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by shinydragon47

day 1

As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.

sky grabs a jar of fishing bait while speedy gets fishing gear.

skip runs away from the Cornucopia.

kura runs away from the Cornucopia.

starflght grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty.

Ren scares Switch King away from the cornucopia.

icecap runs away from the Cornucopia.

Bruno runs away from the Cornucopia.

Comet takes a sickle from inside the cornucopia.

stone grabs a jar of fishing bait while storm gets fishing gear.

Ezri rips a mace out of V team's hands.

koi clutches a first aid kit and runs away.

dragonfly sets an explosive off, killing red, Azule, and lana.

evil speedy runs away from the Cornucopia.

luna runs away from the Cornucopia.

Ace finds a canteen full of water.

Den breaks milk's nose for a basket of bread.

skip searches for firewood.

evil speedy attacks kura, but he manages to escape.

dragonfly chases koi.

Comet, Bruno, and Den successfully ambush and kill Ezri, luna, and storm.

starflght taints Ren's food, killing him.

sky and milk hunt for other tributes.

Ace, stone, Switch King, and V team hunt for other tributes.

speedy poisons icecap's drink. She drinks it and dies.

Fallen Tributes 1

District 10
District 10
District 2
District 7
District 1
District 12
District 9
District 3

night 1 

Bruno receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

stone and Comet talk about the tributes still alive.

dragonfly, evil speedy, starflght, and Den sleep in shifts.

milk tries to treat her infection.

skip sees a fire, but stays hidden.

Ace and sky huddle for warmth.

V team starts a fire.

speedy looks at the night sky.

Switch King and koi huddle for warmth.

kura tries to treat his infection.

day 2

starflght sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

kura and V team threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die.

speedy searches for a water source.

Den sprains his ankle while running away from stone.

Switch King fishes.

Bruno is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

evil speedy receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

milk camouflauges herself in the bushes.

dragonfly discovers a river.

Comet goes hunting.

skip hunts for other tributes.

Ace and sky split up to search for resources.

koi goes hunting.

Fallen Tributes 2

District 2
V team
District 9

night 2

Den cries himself to sleep.

dragonfly thinks about home.

Comet questions her sanity.

evil speedy screams for help.

koi, Switch King, and Ace discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

stone destroys speedy's supplies while he is asleep.

sky receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

skip tries to sing himself to sleep.

milk screams for help.

starflght tries to sing himself to sleep.

Bruno tries to treat her infection.

Day 3

skip and Ace split up to search for resources.

sky searches for a water source.

stone defeats Switch King in a fight, but spares his life.

Bruno picks flowers.

dragonfly runs away from Den.

starflght is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

koi receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

milk and Comet split up to search for resources.

speedy and evil speedy split up to search for resources.

Fallen Tributes 3

No cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

night 3

evil speedy kills skip for his supplies.

milk tends to her wounds.

Ace, starflght, Den, Bruno, and Switch King sleep in shifts.

koi goes to sleep.

stone and sky tell stories about themselves to each other.

dragonfly, Comet, and speedy discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

day 4

Switch King injures himself.

starflght overhears Comet and Den talking in the distance.

Bruno receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

koi steals from sky while he isn't looking.

evil speedy makes a slingshot.

dragonfly steals from speedy while he isn't looking.

Ace stalks stone.

milk sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

Fallen Tributes 4

1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.

District 11

night 4

dragonfly receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

speedy fends Bruno, Den, and evil speedy away from his fire.

milk and Switch King tell stories about themselves to each other.

koi destroys sky's supplies while he is asleep.

Comet destroys starflght's supplies while he is asleep.

Ace goes to sleep.

stone loses sight of where she is.

day 5

milk goes hunting.

starflght receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

koi makes a wooden spear.

Bruno bashes Comet's head in with a mace.

stone is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

Den scares Switch King off.

Ace and speedy fight evil speedy and dragonfly. Ace and speedy survive.

sky discovers a cave.

thats all i got before my page reloaded sorry

Draw what ever you want here

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by shinydragon47

The only rules are:

Don't draw on other people stuff 

Nothing inappropriate!

And that's it have fun!