sillykavat's Bulletins

Free art (read)

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by sillykavat

Yo I want to do a few free doodles (probably sketches to mess around with creative stuff) so the first few people to ask and post a character (canines, felines, and possibly dragons) I’ll do a piece of free art

Only rules are to be subscribed, I’m not doing this for people who just happen to find this bulletin, and also be respectful. I don’t want to hear anyone complaining about free art.


Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by sillykavat

Why does stretching feel so bad, I just want to be cool with gauges

Thank god for coconut oil, I essentially fucked my ear with it to get it lubed, then shoved it through. One side went in not too painfully. The other side still isn’t fully in and it hurts bad :( come on I’m using the smallest size

Needing USD, all of these are some of my nicer designs.

Bomnall design 5$ -

Eliesprout/Sleepycelestial design 20$ -

Griefgut/Twinkie designs

50$ -

60$ -

Accounts Galore

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by sillykavat

I should of never been trusted with premium lmao, here is a definitive list of all my TH accounts.

feverdream / main account and adopts/sales

sugarfox / storage account

skyswiftt / closed species storage account

asalt / old storage account

feverdreamy / pointless atm

alduin / pointless atm

world_eater / pointless atm

sithis / pointless atm

akatosh / pointless atm

nebula_kitten / pointless atm

bottom / pointless atm

already have two more planned but need to figure out the whole email situation since they all need a unique one


Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by sillykavat

Because I saw friends doing it, I made one