Beyond the Veil

Main Universe: This folder contains characters created for and used in the AU 'Beyond the Veil.' BtV is a concept centered around my basic human need of drawing my OC’s as supernatural creatures. It’s based in Haven, a fictional city aptly named for its existence as a place where its inhabitants can exist in peace amongst one another. While humans do exist in Haven, they are few and far between. (This isn’t about them.)

Crossover Links:
A lot of these characters originate in other projects/folders! These are their respective BtV tab links.


Onias/Lysander is an OC originating from the MMO Guild Wars 2. He's a disaster illusionist with a taste for crime, and joins Segen as a deuteragonist in the current/newest storyline.  


Segen/Alanis is an OC originating from the Masks RPG. She's a soldier-in-training with a mysterious past, and has zero time for Lysander's BS when the safety of the crown's on the line. She's.. the actual protagonist here.  


Card title

This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.

Card title

This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.

Characters Created For BtV: 

Masks Characters HoU Characters BtV AU