
Mains ezgif-3-6c966f6b33.gif

favorites the best ones also sonas

My main characters! I love them more than other ocs (FAVORITISM!!!!) so they get their own little folder! Most of them don't fit into a respective universe or story so they have the privilege of existing pretty much everywhere! They can freely hop universes because they're special and I said so :3

Folder also includes my sonas, they're just,,,, sonas.

Personal Stories & Ocs ezgif-3-578149b25f.gif

personal so much lore except not rlly

Personal ocs and stories are here, I play god with my ocs and make universes and stories for them! Bigger and more important stories will have their own folder while smaller stories will be in the 'small stories' folder! This folder also includes furry ocs, they are pretty cool...

A LOT IF NOT ALL OF THE STORIES HERE ARE WIPS!! Some characters are hidden, some info is outdated, theres a lot being reworked, just note that when you go looking in this folder LOL

Fandom ezgif-3-1ce123a60f.gif

gay rocks homosuck ewww poke the mons

I like serveral fandoms and for some special fandoms, I make my own ocs! This is where they're all kept! I organize them based on how much I'm into them, bigger fandoms will have their own folders, smaller fandoms will be in the minor fandom folder where it's fandoms where they're mostly just for fun and don't really need their own folder!

My most currently worked on folder is Lustrous Lamari, a shared steven universe au!

Reminder that this folder is also a very big WIP!!! Some info will be outdated and some characters are hidden and being reworked blah blah you get it by now

Misc. Worlds ezgif-3-90faf2fc10.gif

friend worlds scary forest bros before hoes

This folder has ocs that belong to worlds that aren't mine! Some have no canon worlds but aren't cool enough to be considered mains (or have multiple worlds they belong in...) or belong to a universe that respectively belongs to someone else, usually its my buddies! Ocs in here are canon to their respective story which are original stories by my friends! And just like every other folder... wip wip wip

Waiting Room ezgif-3-cd7fc16a68.gif

doctors office hell waiting

I call this the waiting room since this is where ocs who don't have a place in anywhere yet wait until they do! Ocs who have no design and are being redesigned also fit in here. A lot of the designs here are also hidden because usually its my gross old designs and I want no one to see them at their worst!! It takes a while for an oc to leave the waiting room but its for the better, trust me!

Sometimes, characters get tranferred to a storage account but sometimes they'll get transferred back when I finally get an idea for them, no one in this folder is for sale, and same applies to the storage folder in kagamine_rin (its hidden for that very reason!)

View All ezgif-3-f5eb026dcd.gif

all ocs literally all of them unorganized...

THIS IS ALL MY OCS!!! You'll see them all... UNORGANIZED!!! But it's all of them!

Would you?