In a world where everyone has superpowers called Gifts, there gave rise to the Hero. Colorado River University of Super Heroes (aptly named CRUSH) is one of the best schools to become a full-fledged Hero to date! But, there lies a mystery beyond solar-glass windows and decorative wooden floors which have been trodden upon by generations of fledgling Heroes... what is the real reason for CRUSH's paramount success?

gem active cprep korean human magical girl fusion trans shaman inactive pearl japanese gemsona lapis lazuli sapphire aventurine dnd lepidolite fused filipino reference hypothetical swordsmith quartz mash up challenge danganronpa bnha kny mocchi diaspore mlp dresden green diamond corrupted purple pearl winza sapphire cherry ruby black pearl moonstone dana jones peridot ghost rose quartz coral pearl indonesian changeling disabled demigod aviianstudios lilac star sapphire labradorite calcite golden olive sapphire opal matte light purple pearl navy lapis lazuli amethyst cats eye orange aventurine blue lewis purple lepidolite chartreuse peridot persona anxietysona roleplay fanganronpa spirit quartz myo hybrid mangano calcite olive green pearl beryl pink opal ruby smoky quartz lavender amethyst chrysoberyl purple aventurine samantha sunshine fuchsia lepidolite gold speckled lapis lazuli rouge fangan pudding tiffany stone female snyail cirro diamond jade morganite pink star sapphire gray veined lapis lazuli corundum angel aura quartz feldspar cerulean lapis lazuli red aventurine pink lepidolite rose quartz akuma homebrew druid bird