heavily based off of the overrated "dragon council" rps in dragons life 3 (an old roblox game made by shyfoox)

as much as i dislike this type of roleplay (it happened in like every single server), i do have some fond memories that i can't seem to let go of

The council meets on 6 pillars on top of the uhhh.. nursery? my memory is kinda fuzzy

OH YEAH theres also humans too :skull: but theyre really undeveloped and only have arrows and spears as weapons and wooden airplanes too?? (LIKE HOW DOES THAT WORK LMAO)

Disclaimer: Wacky characters/events are expected, as this was a game i played around late 2017, and I was a lot younger back then, lol

Brief description: The Dragon Council is very wacky group, if you could even call it one. Low and behold, all 8 kingdoms send out the worst diplomats to congregate and discuss the latest issues. However, the meetings drag on for a long time, and the meetings are always going off of topic most of the time, due to random threats and dragons using the meeting as a chance to shove out their sob stories to everyone unnecessarily. The few dragons who are sane and are actually fit for this position steer the others back on track. But who could successfully manage a group of dragons with the same mindset as a class of 8-year olds by themselves? No one, unfortunately. LOL.