【 Synopsis 】

 Infected with a cancerous pathogen that's destined to kill him, Pierce Arnott slips between the veil separating the world of the living and the dead after making a rather shady deal with something not so human. Among the veil, he finds a whole new world in itself just waiting to be explored. 

【 Lore 】


When Pierce Arnott becomes bedridden with an aggressive cancerous pathogen, he thought it was the end of his career and the end of his short life. However, on the night before one of his major operations, the odds of which were not in his favor, he was approached by a shady character that offered him a unique deal.

This character was the demonic rendition of Lord Charles Abbott, who offered to restore Pierce's vitality and halt the pathogen in its tracks, all in exchange for a 'little something' which the demon refused to disclose to him. When Pierce pressed the subject, he was met with a wink, a smile and a " Deal or no deal ? " Desperate, and on deaths door, Pierce shook the troublemakers hand despite the gnawing anxiety in his stomach, and solidified their contract.

The next morning, Pierce awoke in his hospital bed feeling better than ever, and after a bunch of poking and prodding, his miraculous recovery was labeled as just that. A miracle. But Pierce knew better.

He was discharged the next day. However, when the ghost-hunter returned home, he wasn't quite expecting to see Charles lounging on the couch of his apartment, channel surfing for the next episode of The Bachelor...

If Pierce knew the annoyance he had signed himself up for, he may have chosen to die that night instead.

【 Characters 】


Protagonist, The Seeker
Demon, Holy pillar
Pierce's Sister, The Key
The Vessel
The Teacher
Hells consul

Queen and Leader of Hells Consul

The troublemakers

  • 【 vessel 】

    Definition. Vessels are humans that can store entities in their soulspace. They were birthed from a need to rehabilitate entitiess lost to soul-rot, and to keep dangerous entities at bay, stowed away inside their own soul. Unfortunately, Vessels were entirely wiped out by the Consul. The ways Vessels work is similar to a vacuum or black hole, entities are almost always unable to escape once they have been sucked in. The space in which these entities are stored is the Vessels own Soul-Palace. Vessels that train for many years can store multiple entities, up to twelve. But that takes a lot of time and years of self-discipline. As well as that, the act of keeping just one entity in a controlled space is extremely hard to do on it's own. Uninitiated Vessels usually died from this act because of the strain.
  • 【 seeker 】

    Definition. Seekers are beings that put out a high amount of soul energy, and therefore have a high amount of power when it comes to spectral attacks, sensing and other related activities. However, because there is such a high amount of energy concentrated in one place, it is enough to be a beacon of sorts which often draws hostile entities in. This makes being a seeker a very daunting task, as they are always prone to be attacked by ghouls and entities who wish to devour them.
  • 【 THE CONSUL 】

    Definition. The Consul is an organization whos motives lie with obtaining power. In the search for power, entities often become prone to losing their humanity. Entities can gain power through soul-energy, and the easiest way to get this energy is through killing a living being and amassing parts of their soul. As more soul-energy is gained, is pushes against the entities original soul and it becomes a constant battle for who is in control. The takeover of soul-energy reclaiming the hosts original soul is called Soul-Rot, and If the original soul concedes to the orphan soul-energy, the entity will become a husk. When entities completely lose their consciousness they are referred to as a Wraith. The Consul saw this, experienced it, but continued to push their consciousness' and souls to the brink seeking power, now they are a shell of the organization they once were, previous members falling into Soul-Rot and Wraithism, the brains behind the operation are all but gone. But Heralda, the self proclaimed new leader of this organization, intends re-purposing the organization and bringing glory back to the Consuls name.

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