【 Synopsis 】

Amidst the year 22-X, an uncontrollable infectious pathogen began spreading between people. Within two weeks about 3 billion people were infected and it was quickly spreading to the rest of the healthy populace. Scientists for the life of them couldn't find out what the source bacteria was and the contagion theory of disease was all but lost on them. 30 years later, 98.9% of the known population that once lived on earth is either dead or infected. 

Not all hope is lost, though. A small community of researchers and scientists in Antarctica are still searching for a cure, protected by the chilly climate and scarce amount of inhabitants, the bacteria has a hard time spreading. That is, until these very scientists stumble across what might just be the source of this bacteria buried deep within the ice.

【 Lore 】


It's still unknown where and when the virus originated, it started as a runny nose and a slight fever that slipped under the global health's radar as the common cold, but once inside its host it incubated and mutated into a vicious disease of the body and mind. It was as if the virus itself was a sentient being, microbes conversing with other microbes on a global scale, and due to its highly infectious nature, nobody was safe. 

The death toll quickly raised, but not only that, people, once infected were coming back. Husks of the humans they once were with something that could almost be considered a parasite possessing their body. The world quickly fell into chaos. Day by day hundreds of thousands of people fell victim, bodies lined the streets, further spreading the disease, infecting more and more until hardly any healthy people were left. 

The only hope to find a cure now is a small research team in Antarctica, W.H.O's brightest minds secluded and fenced off from the rest of the world and the virus.

【 Characters 】


Lead Researcher
Hired muscle, brawn over brains.
Lab Assistant & Communications link.

Infected and sentient. For the most part.
Junker, lost his mind to the virus.
Disease Pathogen disguised in human form

  • 【 HAEMA Dictyostelium-22 】

    Definition. HAEMA DICTYOSTELIUM-22 is the official name given to the infectious pathogen by W.H.O.
  • 【 CARRIERS 】

    Definition. It's possible for people to carry the disease and not completely turn into a husk, however they do lose a majority of their mind in the process.
  • 【 HUSKS 】

    Definition. Husks carry and spread the disease, that is their only purpose, and they will do it by any means possible. It is very easy to identify a husk or someone infected with the disease. Instead of carbon monoxide exiting their lungs when they exhale, a thick black smog takes its place. This gaseous material can also exit through wounds in the body when the hosts blood reaches oxygen and crystalizes.

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