starry_idiot's Bulletins

fish raffle!

Posted 10 months, 16 days ago by starry_idiot

extremely cute character ohh my goodns

Art Stuff and Updates

Posted 11 months, 5 days ago by starry_idiot

i felt like it’d be best to make a public thing about how my owed art is going and all i’m currently working on!

currently working on a ton of chibi gifs, with 2 in the final stages of work!

i’m going to be trying to get a ton of the art done today!! 

current projects:

- chibi gifs

- misc owed art

- art fight attacks (will begin after all owed art is done!)

since my focus will be on art fight as soon as all owed art is done, i won’t be doing much personal art or offering art for adopts! 

but even without personal art being worked on, i’m still working on writing and other lore-building for almost all of my ocs

Grupups MYO Event

Posted 1 year, 7 days ago by starry_idiot

A super cute closed species called Grupups is having a MYO event! Grupups have their own Discord server, lore, and the possibility to upgrade your MYO in the event! Go check it out!

taeko’s 30th bday!!

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by starry_idiot

idc if this isnt the use for bulletins…

it’s my oc’s (taeko kubo) 30th bday!! 4/20 :]


Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by starry_idiot

I’m still trying to figure out bulletins and what they’re used for, but I just wanted to put this here!

I’m in the process of sorting all my OCS, giving them bios, and putting them in the correct folders!

I’m working on some owed art at the moment, which is why some of my newer OCs still don’t have much art. 

All of these characters are having their lore expanded upon and once I finish my owed art, I plan to make a ton of drawings of all my OCs!


cool raffle thing

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by starry_idiot

 is this how i do a bulletin i have no idea </3

anyways rlly cute character in a raffle,, (i have no idea what i’m doing) 

go check it out :]