Originally thought up by Prismatic Solutions founder Lyle Dervaux back in the 1970's, The Odds Program is an idea brought on by the predicted increase in cryptocarne gene carriers in the coming years. The program's purpose would be to observe the cyrptocarne gene and learn what exactly the genetic anomaly's limits were. It was given the nickname "The Odds" during the drafting process, and it stuck. The only explanation for the name is it being a "light-hearted joke between colleagues" at the time.

The idea was passed on to Lyle’s grandson and current CEO of Prismatic Solutions, who in 2013 started to push for government support and approval. Axton Dervaux did manage to get what he wanted in the end, but requested to have no direct involvement with the carriers of the cryptocarne gene in the program. He claimed he was far too busy, and only wanted to see his late father’s and grandfather’s wish come true.

The program management was then put entirely into the hands of Simpl, a depublicized branch of Prismatic Solutions that specializes in government affairs. Prismatic Solutions employees were moved to Simpl solely to work on the program including doctors, surgeons, scientists, and public relations agents. New people were brought on to fill advisor positions such as psychologists, college professors, and more. Simpl then worked with social security to find adequate volunteers for the program.

This folder encompasses the main team and other characters within The Odds universe