sunpurr's Bulletins

artists! need ur input

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by sunpurr

hi there!

i wanted to ask, what do you do when you seek to improve your art? i'm curious!

any tips, tricks, certain studies?

boundaries copypaste/meme thingo

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by sunpurr

Asking to be friends — sure but that doesnt guarantee anything fkjdgdfgl its more organic to jus talk to become friend yeah

Character Links — sure i dont rly use them but if u want our characters to be friends u can ask!

Voice Chatting —  close friends only i have Socialed Anxieties

Pictures of myself — sure u can follow my insta if u want i sometimes posts ugly selfies on my stories [@sunpurrs]

Art and Design Inspiration — go ahead as long as ur not like straight up copying lol. i like inspiring ppl tho

Co-owns — nah

Asking to offer — not rly i dont like trading characters. once theyre mine theyre mine <3 ONLY if theyre in like a trade/sales folder?? then sure. otherwise maybe not thx

Pings — sure

Dreamie Folders — uhh sure but understand i am like 99.9% likely to never let anyone go lol

DMs — scawwy but they are open if needed

Trades (art + design) —  sure when im not busy!! ill usually say im looking for them when i am tho :-)

RP — no unless we're friends and wanna do sillyfunny warriors rps or something

Gift art — always yes<3

Randomly venting — do not.

asking to vent — friends only or if i offer an ear

Talking about stuff u like to me — sure i will listen to infodumps :] i probably will have no idea what ur talking about tho fgdghdfg as long as ur ok withthat

platonic flirting — sure if we friends

joke flirting — again yes if we're friends

romantic flirting — no im in a serious LT relationship

nsfw talk — friends/fellow adults sure im chill

nsfw jokes — again. friends and adult 

colorpicking — go ahead im not pantone i wont make u pay to use colours jekhjhf

asking for socials — yeah! i use insta and twitter and tumblr hmu

ANTHRO ADOPTS | 3/3 open

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by sunpurr



made some adopts !! ^.^

USD >>>> c$ > art > characters

usd will be discussed through discord [sun#3107] or toyhouse [gaycat]!

these will be crossposted on chickensmoothie

sb: 100c$ // 5USD

ab: 30 USD

1. beachy pup | LB:

2. racer wolf | LB:

3. bubblegum liger | LB:

ill end this uuhhh when bids slow down



Posted 2 years, 3 days ago by sunpurr

fighting art

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by sunpurr

terms of service

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by sunpurr

★ sunpurr's TERMS OF SERVICE

toyhouse | chickensmoothie | artfight | deviantart

last updated: 29/2/2024


★ payment is done through paypal or kofi.

★ by commissioning/buying from me, you are agreeing to these terms of service.

★ i reserve the right to refuse service.

★ i reserve the right to cancel/refund service.

★ only purchase if you have the money or are getting the money within a week, or we have a per-arranged plan.

★ do not edit commissioned artwork. if you need changes, please ask me. you may freely resize, crop, add filters, add transparency etc.

★ you may credit any of my social media for my art, but toyhouse is preferred.

★ your commissioned art may be posted on my socials unless you've asked otherwise.

★ you may use art as icons/avatars/banners/signatures.

★ do not remove or crop out my signature. you may move it around, as long as it is still visible.

★ you may not use my artwork for reproduction for monetary gain. this includes merchandise being made with intention of sale to others. you can use it for personal merch, such as printing it on a tshirt for yourself!

★ do not trade my artwork.

★ do not use my art for anything AI, do not feed it into AI generators.


★ always give me credit for my designs, and do not claim them as your own work.

★ designs can be changed however you want, including colours, design, gender, species etc.

★ designs revamps are alright, as long as i'm credited as the designer of the original.

★ you may "breed" the designs.

★ you may sell my designs for as much as you want (includes upselling, selling designs you got for free, etc.)

★ you may sell my designs to anyone, i don't keep a blacklist (however if you are blocked you may not get anything directly from me)

★ you can port my designs into any closed species, no need to ask!

★ you may do whatever you like with my designs, i will never revoke them from you. if i don't like what you're doing, i will just block you.

terms of service subject to change at any time.


Posted 4 years, 10 months ago by sunpurr

IM in need of some moneys so im opening commissions!!! feel free to message me here to order

details/examples/prices and everything in the link below