🌱 the lumen gardens

🌱 the lumen gardens

â—ƒ cs â–³ aw â–¹
a world, regrown.

beautiful, green covered structures break the horizon as you look out across the plains. surrounding you are older buildings, in varying states of disrepair, covered in moss and other growth. the futuristic city in your view just as green as your surroundings, but more well-kept. you liked how quiet it was out here, and yet, you had such easy access to the city and it's amenities. beyond where you sat, opposite the city, were long stretches of crumbling ruins.

you were in the happy halfway between the future and the past.

with inspiration from: stray, horizon zero, last of us, breath of the wild.

â–¹ the lumen gardens
nestled in a defunct and overgrown greenhouse, lives the cats of the lumen garden. the greenhouse has a main entrance, but is otherwise very well secured.
â–¹the hostile
a forest than stretches far back, the hostile is, well, full of hostiles. containing old human structures and a mixture of feral bots and animals, the hostile is a dangerous place to be. however, there are many good and useful items to be found here.
â–¹ ventura cliffs
as the main area is sat upon a plateau, ventura cliffs take you back down to sea level. they're steep and dangerous.
â–¹ the hills
a large strecth of hilly moor. this provides a good view of the area surrounding. it's rumored there are a system of tunnels and pipes under the hills, but who knows...
â–¹ solus
a small human and bot town, living off the main city. they're friendly and welcoming to the cats. the perfect place to beg for scraps of fish.
â–¹ zoora
a facility that mainly functions as a species reintroduction center. humans are trying to breed pure species from their crossbreeds, and attempt to bring back what the previous generations destroyed.
â–¹ cradle falls
the main river crashes off the plateau here. it's loud and fast.
â–¹ arca city
the main civilization on the plateau, arca city is a large scale solarpunk society that breaks the horizon. there are many skyscrapers in the skyline. often airships travel too and from the city, as the main traffic. often cats visit the city, and some cats live there part-time. rumours tell of a hostile society living under the surface...
the red line shows where the hostility line starts. the green line shows where the city line ends. the area between the two is neutral land, and where the cats most often explore.
â—ƒ [moodboard] â–³ [playlist] â–¹