AU created by Stelledore on Discord! Text taken from the Flowers of Fated Plague server.


The world was fine. Problems, sure, there were many. But, the thing that toppled society, believe it or not, was a singular species of flower. Its stem is a dark pine green, the thorns on it being a red. The flower itself is a deep purple, the tips of the petals fading to a deep red, almost like blood.

The species of flower appeared seemingly out of no where, and adapted to any landscape. This flower was known as *Death’s Beauty*.

The name spoke for itself: it started with ants, similar to Cordyceps, spreading its spores and seemingly zombifying its insect victims.

Then it moved to other plants. Soon, many species of plants were unsafe to be near or even touch.

And now, this plant can infect anything living by its spores.

The victims of this plant had seemingly been rendered brain dead, lying unconscious for minutes up to hours before reanimating, mindless with an endless blood thirst.

As time went on, flowers would sprout on the Infected. Originally, it was the Death’s Beauty flower, but now it’s any flower humanly possible. It’s easy to tell how long an Infected has been wandering by looking at the amount of flowers on its body.

In bites and scratches, flowers bloom upon healing. But with bites, when the victim turns, the flowers die but eventually rebloom, spreading across the victim’s body.

With scratches, when the wound heals, flowers bloom on the scar. These flowers are there forever, never seeming to die.


The world is shattered, in shambles. Towns and cities have been evacuated, but many didn’t make it. Blood splatters the ground of these unfortunate sights, and sometimes, Death’s Beauty is found, marking truly, that a single, small thing, can make society topple so easily.

Can you survive? Or will you fall victim to the Death’s Beauty and its hosts, only joining part of the countless amount of other lost souls who have found their mind and sense of control lost to a flower?



It’s been years, 10 in fact. Death’s Beauty is only growing more powerful, taking more minds from its hosts.

It seems the world will never recover.

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- Characters do not have to be human.

- Magic is not a thing in this au.

- More zombies than survivors. Zombies infect others fast, and with Death’s Beauty still thriving, there are more zombies than survivors.

- Characters can get infected via a bite or inhaling Death’s Beauty spores.

- Infected characters still function normally, though infection is an incredibly painful.

- Turned characters are essentially zombies. Some have more consciousness than others, some have barely any at all.

- Flower meanings are a big thing in this au!