
 😏 ok as of now ocverse takes place on earth but also an alternate dimension
names are a wip... lol

Earth: theres not much to say.! magic seeps in sometimes, but is not widely known for what it is.
The Parallel: an alternate dimension. the Earth here is uninhabitable, and time does anything but walk in a straight line

Preterra: the ruins of an earth that collapsed in on itself at some unknown point in time. here, magic is at its strongest, to the detriment of the few human survivors who wandered the ruins. the magic is something you inhale and let destroy, as slowly or as quickly as you wish. the Guardians say the ruins are their home, but have taken recluse in a place far from it.
Kashbar: originally Akasharbari, but over time got shortened to Kashbar for convenience. floating islands that act as a new home, away from the ruins. the lands as a whole consist of multiple levels divided by time period, with communities within each level that haphazardly mirror earth's nations.
The Guardians/Overseers/Spirits: manifestations of the natural forces. near immortal? unsure if they're actually living. for humans they created the floating islands, making sure to keep them far away from Preterra's magic. they themselves have not been in physical contact with any humans for hundreds of years. they reside in a small planet hidden within the pockets of time. there is debate as to whether the guardians created Kashbar out of generosity and love for the humans or self-preservation
The Palinmen: humans who clung to dear life after Earth turned inside out. there were 4 original groups of survivors : people from the 17th century, 19th century, 22nd century, and 24th century (though people from other periods slip in occasionally)originally, the palinmen were fearful of each other and remained isolated in their own communities. over time, as travel between levels became more accessible/diplomatic relationships formed, this attitude shifted.

  • The 24th centurymen avoided interaction with other people the longest. the Earth they lived in was already in ruin due to natural disasters, so they were living alone even before their Earth became Preterra.
  • 24th centurymen recently started working together with people from the 22nd centurymen to try and rebuild a couple of centuries worth of technology that had been destroyed + redistribute it to people in other levels
  • wrt religion: survivors generally kept their faiths. there is debate within these groups as to what the Guardians are. of those who ascribe to a religion, most generally accept to some extent that the Guardians are benevolent spirits sent by the higher power to give humans a second chance. to others, they are malevolent spirits who toy with nature from the safety of their home, and intentionally destroyed the human's chances of ascending to the afterlife. the latter group is considerably smaller
  • a new movement emerged as some people began worshipping the Guardians as gods themselves. the Guardians granted these new followers their blessings, and established a method of communication that allowed them to occasionally speak to their followers, though this happens rarely.

Portals:  doorways to Earth (the original) taking you to different time periods.  portals were the most common in Earth 2.0, but have been recently popping up in Kashbar. after a few weeks, they disappear

misc: voiceclaim vid