the paper

After your trip to the market, the patchwork bear notices you're tired. She encourages you to follow her back towards the inn, waving her arm in a motion signaling you to follow. Weary once more, you agree and begin to trek after her with lots of goodies in hand. She turns back once in awhile to make sure you're okay as you both walk, and then she smiles endearingly. As she moves, you notice that she doesn't seem tired at all. In fact, she seems to never run out of energy. Perplexed but not wishing to be rude, you decide not to ask and instead just go into the inn to take a nap.

When you awaken, you can smell freshly cooked eggs. Your stomach rumbles like a mighty beast as you toss the covers off that the bear had placed upon you in your sleep. Moving swiftly, she greets you and invites you to have a seat. You oblige, and look down at a plate with a smiley face made of bacon and eggs. Carefully, you dig in and taste wonderful flavors. The bear is an exquisite cook and wonderful host. You look around, and then notice she has left a newspaper there for you. Picking it up, you flip it to the local advertisements page to see if there's anything new.