Echoing Valley

Echoing Valley is the newfound territory where the chosen Clan cats made their journey and settled down into the Safeguard. Afterwards, the Colony was originally formed with the intention of destroying the Safeguard. However, after the death of their tyrant leader, the Colony became a true Clan and settled in next to the Safeguard. When the tribe in the mountains leaves, called to Wander, a new Clan is formed called the Northern River Cats, filled with both Tribe cats who refused to leave their home and young cats from both the Safeguard and the Colony. 

Shared Territories Include:

The Star Hollow: A massive sycamore trunk with a large hollow and pool at its base. When the stars are reflected, a cat sleeps in the hollow and can meet with their ancestors. The Star Hollow sits in a glade at the top of the river, where the mountain springs flow out of the stones. This connection was discovered by Eveningheart and Curtail.

Coldwater Cave : A Gathering place discovered by Harrierheart and Ryemouse, not far from The Star Hollow. Coldwater Cave is a large cave in the mountainside, not far from The Weather-Stones. It is a large overhang that shelters many cats at once, with a ledge inside perfect for the Clan leaders. It is the furthest landmark that touches the border with the Northern River Tribe. A spring runs by that flows into Thistledown River and always has deep blue water available to both Clans in times of need.

Battles Include :

Battle of Yipping Ridge : When the cats first arrived in the Valley, they quickly realized there were predators native to the area that were not as common back in the Territories. They originally believed that their worst issue would be the cat-sized black weasels known as fishthieves or 'fishers'. However, they quickly realized that the land was ruled by a fox-like predator called a coyote. They were more dangerous - they hunted in packs, luring cats in with one decoy and ambushing them once they came close to the pack. As if they hadn't had enough trouble with illness and molding into a working Clan, the coyotes began to threaten their new home in Aspen Hollow. They mostly stuck to the ridge, but would occasionally try to lure cats past the Weather-Stones to kill them. When the drought took place, the coyotes became more dangerous, invading the lower territory. They began to kill prey and leave it on the borders as an intelligent threat. After the storm,  the coyotes decided the cats had stayed long enough and were led by what was called the "shadow hunger", a sort of predatory desperation brought on by long-lasting starvation. They began to outright attack and when Rattlerstar was severely wounded, the Safeguard became trapped in their own camp. However, when he awoke, they rallied and outwitted the coyotes, resulting in a huge battle at the Weather-Stones and Yipping Ridge border. The coyotes were driven back to Yipping Ridge and have not crossed their borders yet. 

Graybone's War : When Pickerelfrost of the Safeguard left RiverClan deputyship and his family behind to join his forbidden lover Sagelight and their kits on the patrol to the new lands, he unknowingly set in motion the path of a tyrant. His apprentice at the time was his own half-brother, a young cat named Graypaw. His shame filled him with anger and bitterness, which only grew when he was rejected by a cat he loved, watched his father grow ill and step down from being a deputy, and cats quietly wonder if disloyalty could run in a family. Though he was made deputy, this did little to calm his rage and he began to rally cats from other Clans who had their own grudges against codebreakers and soft-hearted decisions their leaders made. They began to incite border issues, leaving dead prey on the borders and causing quiet mischief. When Graybone was caught by Wildstar on ShadowClan territory, he killed her by slamming her head into a rock - and was seen by the ShadowClan-born, RiverClan-fathered Cicadapaw. Graybone managed to sneak away and Cicadapaw and Spottedtuft, his father, were blamed and banished. Graybone used his followers to capture Pickerelfrost's kits, who had come to report on the Safeguard and tried to kill them by sending them off the gorge. When the Safeguard cats uncovered his plot and his niece and nephew return unhurt, Graybone is banished from the Clans. 

He went on to gather cats in Twolegplace, gathering his own loner kits, and created his own patrol to join him in Echoing Valley, determined to destroy his brother. He created his Colony and collected cats everywhere he could find them, including the Tribe. His charisma and silver-tongue worked for him, but once cats were in his grasp, he threatened the ones they loved or their way of life to get them to fight for him. He set up land outside the Safeguard and began attacking any patrols that set foot in his new markers. He was responsible for the death of Fisherstride and Sunsetpaw, as well as the continued assault on Safeguard border patrols. When the battles came to a head at Whistle Wash, Pickerelfrost offered himself to fight Graybone, demanding that if Graybone won, then the onslaught would end. Graybone and Pickerelfrost fought fiercely and Graybone used a dirty trick to trap Pickerelfrost's leg in between rocks. When Pickerelfrost continued to hold his own, even trapped, no cat expected the sudden flood that occurred, trapping both Pickerelfrost underwater and sweeping Graybone downriver. He was found clinging to Pickerelfrost's body, badly wounded and drowning alive. Sagelight aided his passing with herbs, as an act of mercy requested by her mate. Though Graybone's legacy seemed to be raised by blood, it was just as quickly washed away by water. As a result, the Colony washed away their own sins and became a true Clan, guided by mentors in the Safeguard. As a result, Finheart took up the leader mantle, with Spurtooth as his deputy and Basilbane and Waterlily as the medicine cats.