this is the ota section! offer to adopt! feel free to offer money, characters, art, or points! in order of prefernce i like it's USD > ART > CHARACTERS > POINTS but you can try any! none of these are also first come first serve!

if offering characters: feel free to check out my favorites! ideally i'll also make a bullentin with things i like in designs ^_^ high quality or not i'll look at the characters! i don't go for character based on who made them.

if offering art: please send direct links or have the type of art you're offering available on the first page of your art tab! be specific with what you're offering, whether its colored or not, lined or not, 1 or more pieces, etc! let me know if you can draw anthros or humans!

if offering points or money: i do 100 points = 1 usd! there is also this folder for specifcally only USD flatsales! i take USD through paypal, venmo, or cashapp!