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female mc nb trans human poc adult trans girl bg character sona lesbian pet minor ageless diety bnha male harry potter oc demigod korean japanese danganronpa witch parasol star draugr depression datesim fanganronpa genderfluid anxiety gad god fancharacter girl unknown orientation demiboy undead fantroll dyslexia harry potter big dipper child of hestia unknown orienation wiccan homoromantic pica chinese half human immortal child of apollo hard of hearing pupila duplex adoptable persona dangansona vitiligo ravenclaw cis buffy homestuck trollsona paranoia animal twin igbo scandinavian zambian chewa greenlandic magaria theythem ota nonbinary chaos god swedish insomnia welsh planet wip fur aquila russian fursona bliss prophet main character fangan pjo pansexual asexual cat feral alternia bunny avpd sheep albino heterochromia protagonist adopt