vampyric's Bulletins

fuckin warframe man

Posted 5 years, 1 month ago by vampyric

hi sorry for the inactivity the last few days i got sucked back into warframe after a few weeks' break.
ill be working on some more draws soon!

Ciachmhar Frith

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago by vampyric

hello all!

first of all, i just wanted to thank everyone for all the love and support shown for my girlfriend and mine's project.
i can't emphasize enough how much all the comments mean to us, but it's not fair for only myself to take the credit.
this project was spearheaded by m and is definitely her baby! she's been developing the story for years now, but since i got involved, it's only gotten bigger and more complex.

this is very much a group project for us. actually, this toyhouse account is shared between the two of us, because we live together, and are partners in everything we do.
that being said, while i'm largely the artistic/visually inclined force, m is the major brains behind everything.
i tend to be a bit scatterbrained around writing, while that's more her forte!
and, speaking of writing, m is also the one behind all the mechanics mentioned on individual character pages, and is the whole creative force behind the plot and story.

i definitely have the largest voice on our shared account, because i'm the one that responds to comments, posts on the forums, and so on, so it's very easy to mistake this as a solo project.
i don't want to keep taking the credit, though, so i have a solution!
in the near future, i will be working on a system to denote which of us had our hands in which parts of profiles and other pieces of the project, just so it's more visible and proper credit can be given where due!

thank you so much!!!!

♡ crow