vanny's Bulletins

life + art update

Posted 7 months, 18 days ago by vanny

hey all, i am working on my owed art, so if i owe you any art; i am working on it, promise!

without going into detail because i mentally can't rn, there's some stuff going on in my real life that's taken up most of my spare time, but hopefully will be resolved soon!

thank you all for being patient with me, i promise to make it worth it!

hiii all

Posted 8 months, 9 days ago by vanny

all my cbcs/kinsonas/ect are going on auth only for a bit <3 if you made me a character and you want to check in on them pls contact me and ill give u an auth link to them, i just dont want anyone to mass report my account <3

if you owe any art to auth only characters, please dm me the art here or on discord <3

new adopt batch <3

Posted 8 months, 14 days ago by vanny