vinsmoke's Bulletins

hi guys is anyone interested in a dt?

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by vinsmoke

i want more characters so i was wondering if anyone would like to do a dt? ill hav to finish my payments first which will take less than a day so there will b a tiny bit of a wait but i will get it done pretty soon 👍👍👍

art questions

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by vinsmoke

og; b-side [dont remove this]

artist questions!

1 . what program do you use?


2. what do you use to draw?

a  gaomon PD156 pro 

3. what brush do you use for lineart?

mostly pixel and i forgot the name of the other one lol

4. what do you typically draw?

cats an dogs

5. when did you start art in general?

when i was like a tiny littol kid 

6. when did you start digital art?

2019/2020?? i dont remember

7. why did you start digital art?

my sister got a drawing tablet and it was really fun to use so i got my own

8. do you plan on doing art in the long run?

mayb probably not tho

9. art you happy with your art style?

kind of

10. do you prefer character designing or drawing characters?


11. are you self taught or did you ever take classes?

self taught

12. how long would it take you to draw a simple fullbody?

1-2 hours

13. how many sketches do you do?


14. do you have any go-to music or background noise you like to have when drawing?

ghost mainly

15. and finally, whats your current favorite art piece? (srry its so big im on mobile rn)


opening up commissions

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by vinsmoke

i kept closing the page and this is my third time redoing this

i want money so im opening commissions

only taking pts atm

icons - 200 pts 


(can do symmetrical icons like ^ or ones like the example below pls lmk which one ur interested in btw!!)


headshots - 150


halfbodies - 300


(they wont be messy like ^)

fullbodies (currently only doing feral bcuz im so bad at anthro) - 600 sorry they're so expensive they take me a long time :(



sketchpages - 600-1.5k (depends on if you want it messy, lined and colored, messy and colored, etc)



refs - 800 bcuz they take a long time

(really old example btw lol)


customs - 300 off-base and 100 on-base



pls tell me if the prices are too high i just priced them on how long they take lol

hi guys link ur commissions

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by vinsmoke

i wanna get art of (mayb some other characters too) so link ur commissions 😍

111 questions thing

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by vinsmoke

1). Are you really ready for 111 questions? 


2). Was your last real relationship a mistake?
ive never been in a relationship

4). Who did you last say "I love you" to?


5). Do you regret it?

no 🤔😰

6). Have you ever been depressed?


7). Are you a boy?


8). Are you a girl?


9). What is your relationship status?


10). How do you want to die? 

old age or smth but also i dotn want to live to be super old so idk

11). What did you last eat? 

chic fil a chicken burger

12). Played any sports?


13). Do you bite your nails?


14). When was your last physical fight? 

i like to fight my little cousin (so yesterday;

15). Do you have an attitude? 


16). Do you like someone?

yaaaaaa 🥵😰

17). What is your real name? 

yuor mother

19). Are you gonna get high later? 


20). Do you hate anyone at the moment? 

ya a lot of people

21). Do you miss someone?

yes very much

22). Twirl or cut your spaghetti? 


23). Do you tan a lot? 


24). Have any pets? 

a cat named stinky

25). How exactly are you feeling? 

sick because i ate too mcuh

26). Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving?


27). Ever made out in the bathroom? 


28). Would you take any of your exes back?

never dated anyone

29). Are you scared of spiders? 

ya but i do like jumping spiders

30). Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? 


31). Do you regret anything from your past?

yes a lot

32). What are your plans for this weekend?

ummmm draw, read, listen to music, vibe yk the basics

33). Do you want to have kids? 

noo pls 

34). Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M? 


35). Do you type fast? 


36). Do you have piercings?


37). Want any more?

no i dont like piercings

38). Can you spell well? 


39). Do you miss anyone from your past? 

yes a few people

40). What are you craving right now?

i wanna read dorohedoro book 20

41). Ever been to a bonfire party?


43). Have you ever been on a horse? 


45). Have you ever broken someone's heart? 

i hope not

46). Have you ever been cheated on?


49). Would you live with someone without marrying them? 


50). What should you be doing? 


51). What's irritating you right now? 

my cousin

52). Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? 


54). What is your favorite color?


55) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? 

mayb i dont remember

57). Do you have trust issues? 

ya really bad

62). Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you?

idk i dont have an ex

63). Who was the last person you cried in front of? 

my sister

64). Do you give out second chances too easily? 


65). Is it easier to forgive or forget? 


66). Is this year the best year of your life?

no its been one of the worsts

67). What was your childhood nickname? 


68). Have you ever walked outside completely naked?


70). Do you believe everything happens for a reason?


71). What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? 

pet my cat

73). What is bothering you?

nothing that i can think of

74). Have you ever been out of your state?


75). Do you play the Wii? 


76). Are you listening to music right now? 


77). Do you like Chinese food? 

kind of

78). Do you know your fathers b- day? 

my dads dead

79). Are you afraid of the dark? 

sort of

80). Is cheating ever okay?


81). Are you mean? 


82). Can you keep white shoes clean? 


84). Do you believe in true love? 


88). Do you like the outside? 


89). Are you currently bored?


90). Do you wanna get married? 


91). Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?


92). Are you hungry? 

no i feel sick

93). Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight?


94). What makes you happy?

talking 2 sheb an petting my kitty

95). Would you change your name?


96). Ever been to Alaska?


98). Do you watch the news?


99). What's your zodiac sign? 


100). Do you like Subway? 


101). Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?

never kissed anyone besides my kitty

102). Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? 

um i would probably say no bcuz i dont think i would really want to date a boy

105). Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them?


106). Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act  yourself around? 


107). Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?

my brother

108). Does it matter if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes? 


109). Who's the last person you had a deep conversation with? 

mayb sheb?? i dont remember

110). Favorite lyrics right now? 

”your beauty never really scared me” mary on a cross by ghost

”dont you forget about dying dont you forget about your friend death dont you forget you will die” pro memoria by ghost

“all i wanna do is get with you and make the pain go away” trash by korn

”an amusing reindeer? give me some party!!” tony tony chopper song

111). Can you count to one million? 


ill only probably do 2 comms

they r 150 pts :) if thats too high pls lmk because i dont want to overprice my art lol

lmk if you want colored lineart or not please!



people keep doing this so i will too

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by vinsmoke

abc thing idk

A- Age: mmmmm 🤨

B- Biggest Fear: losing my cat (probably other things too but im too lazy to tthink)

C- Current Time: 8:22 PM

D- Drink you last had: water

E- Easiest Person To Talk to: sheb 🥵😈

F- Favorite Song: kiss the go-goat by ghost 😭😭😭😭😭

G- Ghosts, are they real: perhaps

H- Hometown: mmmmmmmmmmmm

I- In love with: lsdcvlbxfoknok lucifer from obey me and bozo 🥵🥵😔

J- Jealous Of: people who have a bunch of friends

K- Killed Someone?: yes

L- Last time you cried?: yesterday

M- Middle Name: vsdfvsdxcxcbdzxfbzdfbxcvndfjnfgdnjm

N- Number of Siblings: 3

O- One Wish: idk 

P- Person who you last called: @.pierogi

Q- Question you're always asked: idk people dont ask me questions

R- Reason to smile: i dotn know

S- Song last sang: i dont sing songs lol

T- Time you woke up: like 11:30 am

U- Underwear Color: excuse me what 🤨

V- Vacation Destination: texass 🥵

W- Worst Habit: whenever im bored or stressed ill chew on my fingers

X- X-Rays you've had:  i dont remember

Y- Your favorite food: mmm food

Z- Zodiac Sign: aries

added to my purge pls check it out :D

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by vinsmoke

added a free folder and added some more characters to the purge because i cant connect :(

mainly looking for da pts but im also interested in art and trades

taking 1 icon commission :)

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by vinsmoke

im bored lol

they r 150 pts each :) if thats too high pls lmk because i dont want to overprice my art lol

not fcfs

itll look smth like these (lmk if you want colored lineart or not :)


hey guys

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by vinsmoke


0 Votes 10
1 Votes 50
2 Votes 100
2 Votes 150
2 Votes 200

how much should icons like these cost in da pts 

they take me about 15-30 minutes (depending on the design)
