It's an honor to be part of a sled dog team, yes, we all know that in Alaska. But to win a race is a whole different story. You're grouped up with your musher's dogs, and must be persistent to win this race. The days are colder, and the races take longer time, will you be able to win the race while being fair to every dog, or will you lose and have fights many times? Yes, no dog can change. But a dog can improve. The sky's the limit, and you can only make it.

several years have passed since the three, to be four teams of sled dogs started training. new relationships have blossomed, old dogs have retired. this story in particular follows the lives of the new generation set in the chilly state of alaska, getting ready for their next race.

a RP on chicken smoothie I partake in. Here are my characters from this RP. Started Oct 09, 2016, and is trying to be brought back again in may 2021.