wanderpaws's Bulletins

inactivity (kinda imp?)

Posted 2 years, 18 days ago by wanderpaws

left today for a 3-4 day trip so i'll be fairly inactive ; if you need smth you can only reach me on th (only thing i can access on the glitchy kindle i brought)

trip's going good btw i aready got some new plant children which was unexpectedbut pleasant :3

🎶using this jazz crab format every thursday or whenever i feel like it 🎶🎷🦀

thiefed from toast

- Who was your first ever oc?: probably this warrior cat i roleplayed as a bunch back in like. 6th grade idk. her name was echowhisper and she was p much just a huge angry mama cat and actually not super terrible for a first oc??

- Who is your newest oc?: probably the little humanoids i've been doodling traditionally lately? but in general it's probably wren since i got them most recently

- Oc with the longest name?: 

- Oc with the shortest name?: UM tie between rio and fen and rae

- Which oc's palette do you like the most?: uh floodsprout i guess but they're a major wp and as far as non wc characters go it's a tie between like. atlantis and sailboat i think

- Who's the biggest impulse buy? Was it worth it?: HM probably a vee design (nemo or the customs that ended up being gale and wren) or rio ! every one was worth it

- If you could transform into one of your ocs, who would it be?: probably fen bc admit it she's like the optimal form. or caspian/nemo bc i get to be a cute fluffy dragon and live by the sea

- Which oc represents you the most?: wander ofc she's my mascot after all

- Favourite hybrid oc (two or more animals)?: UM i don't even know if i have one,, unless you count my shark dragon children in which case i can't choose

- Who is your favourite oc overall?: idk man a lot of em are special but like. nemo is so neat so probably them

!!! (not actually that important?)

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by wanderpaws


6 Votes yay
0 Votes nay

https://montereybayaquarium.tumblr.com/post/682252652601589760/new-species-alert-atolla-is-one-of-the-most NEW JELLYFISH DROPPED!! I FEEL THE NEED TO NOTIFY EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY FOLLOWERS ON EVERY SINGLE SITE I HAVE

boundaries or whatever

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by wanderpaws

would you eat seaglass

5 Votes yes
2 Votes no

thiefed from toast

asking to be friends -

i guess? i'd prefer if we actually know each other a bit first but i'm usually v shy and if a random person comes up to me and asks to be friends then maintaining that would be hard
however if we already know each other/are mutuals then i guess it's fine

asking for my discord -

similar to the above, i don't mind a ton but i might not always respond n such bc keeping up conversations n such is draining
idm getting invited to smallish discord servers if we already sorta know each other
my discord is also on my comms journal but i'd prefer only to be dmed if it's for comm discussion (unless of course we already know each other,, i keep repeating myself)

linking ocs - 

depends! i do love giving my characters relationships/lore and stuff but i might be a bit picky depending on the character's place in a headworld or status as a sona

 asking to hear my voice/get in a call - 

not likely tbh,, that's kinda too much for me + 1 on 1 calls are awkward (though i might join some in servers i'm fairly active/comfy in)

art inspiration -

i'd prefer that no direct inspiration be taken from my style as it's taken a while to develop and it in general feels uncomfortable?

design inspiration -

same thing as above tbh but i don't necessarily own colors/patterns, so using similar ones is fine but direct copying still isn't ok

asking for co-ownerships - 

i'd be super tentative with those,, i currently have only 1 and that's with someone i know well and i'm unlikely to accept more

asking to offer on characters - 

only if they're in the ufo folder! most of my characters have bios/a place in a headworld so i'm unlikely to give them up (esp. if they have a profile code)

putting my ocs in dreamie folders - 

that's fine ig? i don't get notified if/when someone does that but i guess i'm honored that people like my ocs so much,, can't always count on obtaining em though

ah yes username questions

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by wanderpaws

what mainly inspired your current username?

the phrase "wandering mushroom" which i read in a book somewhere (not telling which one :p )

do you have any past usernames? if yes, which one has been your favorite?

i used to go by shadowsight314 on da bc i made the acc a while ago and then forgot about it

what’s your oldest user (if you’re comfortable sharing!)?

shadowsight314 (again)!

do you want to change your user or do you see yourself changing your username?

not really but i do want to use selkieheartedd and shark-infested-waters somewhere

what’s your favorite part of your username?

the shroom part?? idk

on a scale of 1-10, how well do you think your username suits you?

like. a 9 or 10 probably

have you seen similar users to your own?

nah i'm original B)

what has been one of your favorite users you’ve seen?

probably my current one !

do you think people associate you with your username a lot?

yeah except for the people who've known me longer

have you changed your user more than once?

yeah but mostly on th (variations on wandering mushroom)

last one, why did you choose this username to use on this/other sites?

bc mushrooms and it sounds cool