

this story folder includes violence, allusions of real life issues (war and nuclear warfare)!
please do not keep reading if you are sensitive to these topics thank you!
otherwise, I won't be responsible if you feel uneasy about this folder




Located in a futuristic post-nuclear world where natural resources are on danger by the hands of big companies and industries. After nuclear warfare, many cities vanished from the radar which it replaced into desolated deserts and nightmarish landscapes.

Biogens are androids created with gemstones blessed by the god of life and creation. At first, their purpose was to protect the world and natural resources but after WWI Biogens were used as soldiers and machinery for industrial purposes. These androids slowly became despised by people to the point of being dismantled.

The “Renaturation Project”, located on a small portion of the world where miraculously mother earth left hope after 30 years, is a town emerged from people and Dr. Edgar Blaze in order to restore nature. Suddenly, a Biogen wakes up after decades of sleep…

(Still a huge wip since it still lacks of characters and names).