post war

the colony of the coast/bay colony struggled immensely during and after the war. everyone in the colony lost at least one cat they loved, and most of the colony members are less than 30 moons old, making it the colony with the youngest cats in positions of power. the colony is struggling with low numbers, but they are like a close family. fogstar was voted to be leader after the war once they rebuilt what they had.

colony info

camp is in a dense pine forest along the coastline in a sheltered bay, basically a bigger cove. their camp is hidden amongst the dense, lush foliage, a short walk from the sand. camp has a very small creek running through camp that the cats use as a source of water for drinking or cleaning sand from their paws. the cats primarily live off of marine arthropods, small marine birds, fish, and some small mammals. they are all skilled swimmers and are adept at hunting sand crabs and clams. they also are strong climbers, especially in rocks, to get to higher ground. thick coats help with cold and foggy days.


fogstar leader

Being the youngest leader in the history of the area, fogstar is overworked, and yet still wants to be the cat her community can rely on at any point.


sunstrike deputy

the oldest cat in the colony, he does a bulk of the heavy lifting to help fogstar. he's hardworking and stoic, while also being kind and personable.


heronsong healer

lost her mother and mentor at a young age, so heronsong turns to overworking herself trying to fix what's been broken post-war. she's warm & burnt out.


coyotecry warrior

once being the strongest warrior during the war, coyotecry is now constantly plagued with guilt and anxiety over her actions.


doespots warrior

hot-headed, short-tempered, but loyal to a fault. Doespots is a skilled warrior, stealthy and quick to anger.


daisyshade warrior

daisyshade is the colony's mother figure. after losing her mate and kit, she saw the colony as her ultimate family.


pineclaw warrior

pineclaw is ambitious and reckless, but its easy to tell he cares. doesn't take anything as seriously as he should.


smokefrost senior warrior

cold and standoffish, but a solid warrior nonetheless. mentor to goosepaw, who he cares for like hes his own kit.


duskbreeze senior warrior

optimistic and playful, but struggles with depression. she also struggles with self image issues after getting her wound in the war.


hoppaw apprentice

after the death of his parents, hoppaw became rebellious and constantly acted out. he bullied goosepaw for a while before feeling regretful.


goosepaw apprentice

traumatized after the events of the war, goosepaw is reclusive and quiet. struggles with anxiety and depression.

deputy sunstrike
healer heronsong (d: ospreytuft)
senior warriors smokefrost, duskbreeze
warriors coyotecry, doespots, pineclaw, daisyshade
apprentices hoppaw, goosepaw

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header one

Nullam scelerisque sem neque, id luctus odio vehicula quis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum diam elit, tristique sit amet orci nec, hendrerit dictum neque. Phasellus faucibus eu ipsum a faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas quam urna, faucibus egestas ante et, scelerisque euismod odio. Mauris quis augue vitae lorem semper laoreet.

header two

Nullam scelerisque sem neque, id luctus odio vehicula quis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum diam elit, tristique sit amet orci nec, hendrerit dictum neque. Phasellus faucibus eu ipsum a faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas quam urna, faucibus egestas ante et, scelerisque euismod odio. Mauris quis augue vitae lorem semper laoreet.

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name relationship

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name relationship

write a little bit of info about their relationship here. a few lines would look best though.


name relationship

write a little bit of info about their relationship here. a few lines would look best though.


name relationship

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header one

Nullam scelerisque sem neque, id luctus odio vehicula quis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum diam elit, tristique sit amet orci nec, hendrerit dictum neque. Phasellus faucibus eu ipsum a faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas quam urna, faucibus egestas ante et, scelerisque euismod odio. Mauris quis augue vitae lorem semper laoreet.

header two

Nullam scelerisque sem neque, id luctus odio vehicula quis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum diam elit, tristique sit amet orci nec, hendrerit dictum neque. Phasellus faucibus eu ipsum a faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas quam urna, faucibus egestas ante et, scelerisque euismod odio. Mauris quis augue vitae lorem semper laoreet.


name relationship

write a little bit of info about their relationship here. a few lines would look best though.


name relationship

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name relationship

write a little bit of info about their relationship here. a few lines would look best though.


name relationship

write a little bit of info about their relationship here. a few lines would look best though.


name relationship

write a little bit of info about their relationship here. a few lines would look best though.


name relationship

write a little bit of info about their relationship here. a few lines would look best though.

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